《Earth song》、《Heal the world》、《We are the world》三首歌曲被称为是迈克尔·杰克逊的三大地球环保歌曲。而《Planet earth》是他所做的一首地球环保主题的诗歌。而下面我们将看到的这首环保主题散文,选自于即将首次在大陆出版发行的迈克尔·杰克逊诗文集《舞梦》,散文名叫But the heart said no,《但心说不》。让我们再一次倾听迈克尔·杰克逊的心声。
They saw the poor living in cardboard shacks, so they knocked the shacks down and built projects. Huge blocks of cement and glass towered over asphalt parking lots. Somehow it wasn't much like home, even home in a shack. "What do you expect?" they asked impatiently. "You're too poor to live like us. Until you can do better for yourselves, you should be grateful, shouldn't you?"
The head said yes, but the heart said no.
They needed more electricity in the city, so they found a mountain stream to dam. As the waters rose, dead rabbits and deer floated by; baby birds too young to fly drowned in the nest while mother birds cried helplessly. "It's not a pretty sight," they said, "but now a million people can run their air conditioners all summer. That's more important than one mountain stream, isn't it?"
The head said yes, but the heart said no.
They saw oppression and terrorism in a far-off land, so they made war against it. Bombs reduced the country to rubble. Its population cowered in fear, and every day more villagers were buried in rough wooden coffins. "You have to be prepared to make sacrifices," they said. "If some innocent bystanders get hurt, isn't that just the price one must pay for peace?"
The head said yes, but the heart said no.
The years rolled by and they got old. Sitting in their comfortable houses, they took stock. "We've had a good life," they said, "and we did the right thing." Their children looked down and asked why poverty, pollution, and war were still unsolved. "You'll find out soon enough," they replied. "Human beings are weak and selfish. Despite our best efforts, these problems will never really end."
The head said yes, but the children looked into their hearts and whispered, "No!"
读完迈克尔·杰克逊的散文,让我们再来一起回顾他的环保经典之作《Earth song》,MV的拍摄先后在亚马逊热带雨林、克罗地亚、坦桑尼亚、美国纽约四地现场取景。片中的亚马逊雨林已在当时被摧毁,克罗地亚正在交战,在拍摄的当周,在美国长岛和新泽西有数千英亩的森林因纵火而焚毁,只有片中的那头大象来自资料影片,然而不幸的是,在坦桑尼亚拍摄期间,另一头非洲象被当地偷猎者射杀。迈克尔·杰克逊在MV中被人为破坏的环境、被无辜屠戮的野生动物和被战火摧残的世界而哭泣呐喊,这与今年“为生命呐喊”的主题不谋而合,这些内容在如今看来仍然发人深省,可见环保和平是人类永恒的话题和长久的愿望。
Micheal Jackson - Earth song