Lenka发布新单曲“We are the brave”,勇敢前行,梦想照亮未来

Lenka发布新单曲“We are the brave”,勇敢前行,梦想照亮未来

摩登天空 欧美女星 2017-12-22 17:36:04 700

Vision by MVM design label _

圣诞节来临之际,澳洲音乐精灵Lenka发布了新单曲《We are the brave》,这是继LENKA在10月发布新专辑《ATTUNE》之后创作的一首全新作品。


We are the brave, we are the bold

We can be anything, anything, anything

We are the light, we light the dark

We can do everything everything, everything

So hold on don’t stop

There’s so much in you

This is our time, this is our day

We can do anything, anything, anything

And all our dreams light up the way

We can have everything everything, everything

So stand up don’t stop

The best is in you

We are the brave, oh oh

We are the free, oh oh

We have the power to be stronger if we want it

You and me.

So light up the power in you

And go for the best in you

Cause I see a light shine through

伴着开头那整饬的鼓点节拍,Lenka用她标志性的甜美嗓音,带出了歌曲的同名主题:“We are the brave”。紧接着假声的合唱排山倒海般构筑起一片宏大的音墙,将“We are the brave”的决心以更为恢弘有力的方式昭示出来。 此时,“brave”仿佛一桩强光般映射在每个人的心中——Lenka依然是大家印象中那个灵气活现的音乐精灵,但在这甜美的歌声中,却散发出一股笃定而颇具力量的光芒。随后,顿挫有致的钢琴与她演唱以及鼓点一起,将这股光芒升华到一个新的境地,“So light up the power in you……Cause I see a light shine through”这股光芒的力量是如此强大,照亮了每一个人的身体。

“We are the brave”的主题言简意赅,brave作为一把钥匙,引出了现今年轻人那开放而强大的内心世界,从这样的意义上说“We are the brave”是一首励志神曲也并不过。在“brave”的背后,是对于年轻人积极心态的张扬,“We have the power to be stronger if we want it”(只要我们想,我们便会拥有强大起来的力量!)“ And all our dreams light up the way”(我们所有的梦想将会将前路照亮!)

“We are the brave”这一首两分多钟的作品,精悍短小,但却极具力量,它仿佛是一针强心剂,化解着这个岁末郁结于心的焦躁与忧虑,化解着那些颓丧与踌躇。它以“勇敢brave”、“自由free”、“力量power”,这些看似直白但意蕴深厚的品质,号召并激励着当下的青年世代,用行动来来追寻心中所要的生活,We can do anything, anything!

“We are the brave”,同时也是受年轻科技潮品荣耀手机品牌邀约所做。契合了荣耀英文slogan——“For the brave”,“brave”是拥有年轻的心态(Young at heart),用实际的行动和开放的态度去挑战和创新。在即将到来的2018年,这首歌将与荣耀一起进一步推向国际。在海外,作为荣耀品牌主题曲的“We are the brave”将被设置为荣耀手机出厂默认铃声。这是继“荣耀制噪者”计划之后,摩登天空与荣耀品牌的进一步合作,双方携手来鼓舞更多的年轻人为实现自己的梦想而努力,以梦想之光熠煜未来!







