Fairy福利时间 | Ryan Hemsworth中国巡演上海开场,现场感受加拿大音乐巫师的奇妙魔力

Fairy福利时间 | Ryan Hemsworth中国巡演上海开场,现场感受加拿大音乐巫师的奇妙魔力

FairyShanghai 欧美男星 2017-12-05 18:04:46 773


检索Ryan Hemsworth,最入目的标签似乎是“被音乐事业耽误的喜剧演员、ins上没有音乐人的耍酷”。这个幽默的大男孩挂着多个极具冲突感的头衔:电子音乐人、杰出HIP-HOP制作人等。酷文化充斥着生活,以至于我们不断将生活体验推向极端化,对人、艺术、音乐亦是如此,从而忽视那些轻松、欢快带给我们的深刻体验。Ryan Hemsworth的现场正是拾起我们生活里被避而不谈乃至遗忘“愉悦感”。(文末有福利)

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“Sonically rich without sounding excessive”

“All of the future amazingness you didn’t know you needed”
— Complex


“Bite-sized music with serious emotional punch”
— Pitchfork

♕ Flume、Grimes、Tinashe 、Tory Lanez、E-40等共同合作邀约。
♕ The JUNO Awards 2014年最佳电子音乐专辑首奖肯定。
♕ Coachella, Lollapalooza, Pitchfork Music Festival 指定演出。

这将是Ryan第二次来到中国的乐迷朋友面前。作为一名年轻高产的电子音乐Producer,你很难准确的去定义Ryan Hemsworth具体的音乐风格;前一秒他还在用略显沉重的Bass/Trap音乐挑动你的神经,后一秒则突然用色彩斑斓的Vaporwave音色让舞池里荡漾起一片粉红;前一秒还在用缥缈虚无的Ambiant挑战你的泪腺,后一秒跳跃放肆的Chillstep节拍又开始直白的冲击你的心窝。

This is actually Ryan's second time coming to China. Being a young and highy productive producer, it is not an easy task to define the sound of Ryan Hemsworth. From the heaviness of Bass /Trap music to the colorfulness of Vaporwave sounds; From the emotions of Ambient to pouding beats of Chillstep. Ryan just never stops surprising us.

Ryan Hemsworth - Snow in Newark ft. Dawn Golden

同时Ryan Hemsworth 也是一位非常杰出的Hip-hop制作人, 与他合作过的艺人包括:JMSN,E-40, Yakki, Tory Lanez,Tinashe,Adamnkilla等等. 以及近期即将发布的超重量级合作。

Ryan Hemsworth is also know as an outstanding hip-hop producer. He has worked with :JMSN, E-40, Yakki, Tory Lanez, Tinashe, Adamnkilla and a lot more. Not to mention that his most recent tremendous crossover work wich will be premiered very soon. 

然而令人印象深刻的是尽管Ryan Hemsworth的音乐风格反差巨大,但他的每首作品都充满了鲜明的个人记号和统一性,这种浑然天成的一体性在他的现场中更是体现的淋漓尽致;如果你经历过他的现场便能体会到被人用音乐操控自己的情绪竟然是如此美妙的体验-在Ryan Hemsworth的舞池里语言似乎都已经失去了它们的存在意义-这便是众多国外网友盛赞的加拿大音乐巫师的真正奇妙魔力。

Although there is no absolute genre in Ryan's production, it is very easy to recognize the signature sound of Ryan Hemsworth which you will also find in his live performances. One could never be happier when you give everything to Ryan's music on the dance floor. This is the magic of the Canadian music wizard.

Ryan Hemsworth - Boiler Room in Dubai (Full Set)




众所周知去年九月份Skrillex到上海走了一单淘金之旅要是你有幸看了一场有他压轴的secret show,你可能会留意到一位放的比Skrillex还要high的同台老外. behold我们的好朋友damacha。身兼威斯康星的文艺青年、中国人民的好朋友、中古磁带收集家、groovy制造机、lofi发烧友多重身份于一体,各种文化的碰撞使他的现场形成了一种独特的氛围感,每个人都能在他制造的空间中找到属于自己的节奏。so dont miss a beat would you?

You may still recall Skrillex’s most recent crazy gold rush in Shanghai. There was this guy that shared stage with Skrillex in Boiler Room who just made a huge impact that night. This is our good friend, Damacha. Born in Wisconsin, U.S, a very good friend of Chinese people,  a vintage tape collector, a groovy machine, and a lofi lover, the combination of all these cultural backgrounds has made his live sets so unique. Every one can find their own space in the ambience that he creates. So don’t miss a beat would you?


Swimful,是来旅居上海的英国独立音乐制作人Jamie Charlton的活动艺名。他早期的音乐生涯主要集中在现场的即兴演出、全程独立灌录制作个人唱片以及和为数众多的独立音乐人的交流合作当中。值得一提的是,在伦敦的音乐生涯后期,他师从众多著名的作曲家与音乐人(例如伦敦著名独立音乐人David Toop)继续深造声音艺术的创作。与此同时,名为Swinful(早期名为Swimful Buterfly)的音乐人计划在Jamie以及圈中好友Lil B和Main Attrakionz的合作交流中展开了正式的活动运作。主攻Grime节拍和非传统Club Music的Swimful一经开启便获得了大量制作人/DJ的支持与认可,并得到了多个名声显赫的独立电台(Rinse FM、NTS、Radar Radio)的推荐与播放。

Swimful is the alias of English-born, Shanghai-based producer Jamie Charlton. Having spent much of his youth performing improvised music, self-releasing CDRs independently and collaborating with artists such as Machinefabriek on the Echolalia project in 2010, he went on to study Sound Arts in London, where he was tutored by composers such as David Toop. During this time, the Swimful project was born and collaborations with Lil B and Main Attrakionz followed. His recent forays into grime and club music have garnered support from a range of DJs and producers such as Slackk, Murlo, Scratcha DVA and J-Cush, and received airtime on stations such as Rinse FM, NTS and Radar Radio.


中国上海的音乐制作人/DJ。本土音乐厂牌 Elegant 旗下艺人。音乐风格以ambient、trip-hop、chill wave为基底,作品极具写意浪漫的个人特色,首张EP《FAREWELL》已于近期面世。

派对时间:2017.12.16 22:00


票价:预售 100元、现场 150元



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