David Bowie 放纵这一生

David Bowie 放纵这一生

NIGHT SHFT 欧美男星 2016-01-11 18:35:09 27

在David Bowie不拘一格的40多年职业生涯中,作为歌手,作曲家和制作人,他横跨不同音乐种类包含glam rock, art rock, soul, hard rock, dance pop, punk和electronica。

在与癌症进行抗争18个月之后,David Bowie于今日1月10日逝世,享年69岁。在家人的包围之下,这位音乐巨匠与我们永远地再见了。而在上周1月8日,David才刚刚发布他第25张专辑,Blackstar,那天也是他的生日


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Legendary Artist David Bowie Dies at 69The singer-songwriter and producer excelled at glam rock, art rock, soul, hard rock, dance pop, punk and electronica during an eclectic 40-plus-year career.David Bowie has died after a battle with cancer, his rep confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter. He was 69."David Bowie died peacefully today surrounded by his family after a courageous 18-month battle with cancer.

The influential singer-songwriter and producer excelled at glam rock, art rock, soul, hard rock, dance pop, punk and electronica during his eclectic 40-plus-year career. He just released his 25th album, Blackstar, Jan. 8, which was his birthday.

I think fame itself is not a rewarding thing.

The most you can say is that it gets you a seat in restaurants.

-David Bowie

由于年轻时在学校斗殴,造成Bowie具有不同颜色的眼睛和针状的轮廓,Bowie似乎是天生注定要从音乐跨界称为一名科幻电影演员,他在Nicolas Roeg的科幻片The Man Who Fell to Earth (1976)中扮演一名拯救自己星球的外星人,在经过3个月百老汇训练后于1980年The Elephant Man饰演一名长相畸形的人物。


In 1980, Bowie brought out Scary Monsters, which cast a nod to the Major Tom character from “Space Oddity” with the sequel “Ashes to Ashes.” He followed with Tonight in 1984 and Never Let Me Down in 1987 and collaborations with Queen, Mick Jagger, Tina Turner, The Pat Metheny Group and others. He formed the quartet Tin Machine, but the band didn’t garner much critical acclaim or commercial success with two albums.

1972年的The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust和the Spiders From Mars,真正开辟了Bowie艺术造诣的顶峰。这些角色给大众奠定了一个来自太空外星人的摇滚明星的形象。Bowie创造了一个喜欢炫耀,自我中心的,雌雄统一的个体 Ziggy Stardust。

Bowie’s artistic breakthrough came with 1972’s The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars, an album that fostered the notion of rock star as space alien. Fusing British mod with Japanese kabuki styles and rock with theater, Bowie created the flamboyant, androgynous alter ego Ziggy Stardust.After the soulful but colder Station to Station, Bowie again confounded expectations after settling in Germany by recording the atmospheric 1977 album Low, the first of his “Berlin Trilogy” collaborations with Brian Eno.

Rebel Rebel, you've torn your dress.
Rebel Rebel, your face is a mess.

David Bowie The Man Who Sold The World

David Bowie - China Girl

《Starman》From《火星救援》By:David Bowie

试图引起大众对角色Ziggy Stardust的兴趣,Bowie在1972年的杂志访谈中表明自己其实是同性恋,虽然当时公众似乎也有所揣测和知晓,他把自己头发染成火红色,打扮成女人。所以他的专辑十分敏感。1975年,Bowie因专辑Young Americans中单曲冠军“Fame”,获得了他的第一个美国音乐大奖,标志着转型成功,但喜欢他的歌迷对他的转型有些不能适应,从昔日的歇斯底里,桀骜不驯的装扮突然变成西装革履,优雅,而音乐风格也从另类夸张变成迎合主流,突然Bowie之前的热情张狂已渐渐被他成熟的风格替代。不过这还是一张很完美的专辑。


In December, Bowie opened the rock musical Lazarus in New York City, in which he revisits the character he played in The Man Who Fell to Earth. The project — directed by Ivo van Hove and starring Michael C. Hall — was initiated by Bowie, who long nurtured the idea of a return to the character he played onscreen in the Roeg film based on American writer Walter Tevis' 1963 sci-fi novel.

Survivors include his wife, the model Iman, whom he married in 1992; his son, director Duncan Jones; and daughter Alexandria.

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