JZ Club上海 一周演出预告▷08.06-08.12

JZ Club上海 一周演出预告▷08.06-08.12

JZPOST爵士邮报 欧美女星 2018-08-06 19:39:23 681


8/6 MON

1. 新蓝草乐队 Tom Peng New Grass Land

2. 肖骏五重奏 Jun Xiao Quintet

8/7 TUE

1. Cure

2. 黄健怡四重奏 Jianyi Huang Quartet

8/8 WED & 8/9 THU

1. 李世海四重奏 Li Shihai Quartet

2. 纽约全明星爵士乐团

卡洛斯 · 亨瑞克斯拉丁爵士六重奏

The Carlos Henriquez Latin Jazz Sextet

8/10 FRI

1. Antonio Ximénez Quartet

2. JZ Big Band

3. New York Midnight Swing Hosted By Big Al G

8/11 SAT

1. Gelà

2. Throwback Funk Disco Party

3. Jam Session Funky/Disco Party Hosted by DJ Bobby

8/12 SUN

1. PlaRay With Special Guest

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No.158 Julu Rd.

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 ·  HAPPY HOUR  · 

8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

指定饮品 买一赠一

Selected Drinks - Buy 1 Get 1 Free





  免费入场 FREE ENTRY  

 9:00 PM 


Tom Peng New Grass Land

/ 1st Set /

乐队成立了10年,最初只是演奏美国Country/Blue Grass,随着时间的推移乐队成员的更新替换,很多欢快跳跃、节奏明快、新鲜元多的元素也随之融入进来,成为了一支以美国Blue Grass为主,同时融合了Blues、Jazz、Rock、Folk、World等音乐元素的标新立异的乐队。美国Blue Grass起源于20世纪30年代肯塔基州的山区,在Country基础上,吸收了当地古老的班卓音乐和提琴音乐以及南部山区的叙事歌曲等因素发展而成。经常使用的乐器有小提琴、班卓琴、原声吉他、曼陀林和立式贝司,这些乐器最初由农庄黑人舞蹈乐队普遍使用。

Tom Peng New grass Band delivers heartfelt blue grass music to JZ Shanghai.  Their line up of instruments and singer swill present authentic American folk music to Shanghai audiences. The complexinter play of the fiddle and guitar, ringing sound of the banjo, blazing mandolin runs, and the high lone some vocal harmonies recalls emotions from small country towns half a world away.  New Grasslands plays music that isexciting, plaintive, heart warming, and most of all… Human.

 10:45 PM 


Jun Xiao Quintet

/ 2nd Set /

肖骏,新生代爵士吉他手,金曲奖提名音乐人。JZ Music 签约代理音乐家,达达里奥签约艺术家,2016 Montery Jazz Festival 全美青年乐队Top6乐队领班。 现任教于南京艺术学院。2014年完成上海音乐学院本科爵士吉他专业后,前往美国纽约Suny-Purchase College进修爵士吉他演奏与作曲,两年后毕业一直旅居到现在,并活跃于纽约爵士舞台上。 在纽约学习生活的这几年,肖骏在音乐上不断发现和超越自我,期间跟随John Abercrombie、Lage Lund、Vic Juris、Brad Shepik、John Rilley、Charles Blenzing、Jon Faddis、Kevin Hays、Andy LaVerne、Doug Weiss、Albright Timothy等大师学习爵士演奏与爵士作曲,同时与Doug Weiss、Rick Rosato、Desmond White、Jerad lippi等一线音乐家保持着密切合作。包容的音乐氛围,超前的音乐理念,多元的音乐文化,使肖骏摸索出独特的音乐风格。

Jun Xiao is a young and rising jazz guitarist and composer from Dali, in China's Yunnan province. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the Shanghai Conservatory and a master’s degree in jazz performance from SUNY Purchase Conservatory of Music. Jun Xiao's innovative talents have caught the attention of the Nanjing University of the Arts where he presently teaches. In 2016, his quintet was selected as one of six finalists for the Next Generation Jazz Festival, an esteemed music event organized in conjunction with the Monterey Jazz Festival.



  免费入场 FREE ENTRY  

 8:30 PM 


/ Early Set /


The two people who share the same taste constitute this small combination, the catchy melody, the relaxed and pleasant style, the French song, the English song, and the jazz-influenced folk songs are also the type they like.

 10:00 PM 


Jianyi Huang Quartet

/ Main Set /

黄健怡,键盘、作曲、编曲,1997年上海音乐学院钢琴系本科毕业后,留校担任管弦系艺术指导老师。2000年考入美国伯克利音乐学院爵士钢琴系,并于音乐家辈出的美国新泽西RUTGERS大学爵士乐演奏研究生班进修,师从传奇爵士钢琴家Stanley Cowell教授。

Huang Jianyi was the first person in China to receive a master's degree in jazz piano. After graduating from Shanghai Conservatory of Music, he stayed and became the consultant director of the orchestra department. He started studying jazz pianoin 2000 while he was in Berklee College of Music, and also had the chance to study further with jazz pianist Stanley Cowell in Rutgers University in New Jersey.


AUG 8 & 9 / WED & THU

  RMB 200 (DOOR)  

  Pre-sale: RMB 180  

 8:30 PM 


Li Shihai Quartet

/ Early Set /

李世海, 青年萨克斯演奏家,作曲家,编曲家,曾在《我是歌手》栏目中担任萨克斯手。2013年获上海音乐学院爵士萨克斯专业学士学位,2015年获首届JZ Awards华人爵士“最佳新人奖”,2016年获新英格兰音乐学院爵士萨克斯专业硕士学位,同年,在波士顿Wellspring Studio录制了个人首张爵士五重奏专辑《Inner Rhythm》。

Li Shihai is a saxophonist, composer and arranger. He acted as a saxophonist of "I Am a Singer”, a Chinese reality show of singing competition. He graduated from Shanghai Conservatory of Music with a bachelor's degree of Jazz Saxophone in 2013. He was the winner of the first JZ Awards in 2015, presented by “The Best New Chinese Jazzman”. In 2016, he got his master's degree in Jazz Saxophone at New England Conservatory of Music. In this year, he recorded his first album of Jazz quintet, "Inner Rhythm".

10:00 PM 


卡洛斯 · 亨瑞克斯拉丁爵士六重奏

The Carlos Henriquez Latin Jazz Sextet

/ Main Set /

作为林肯艺术中心爵士乐团的首席低音提琴手,Carlos Henriquez的表现一直是可圈可点的。这次他将携手5位来自纽约非常出色的爵士乐手:Rodriguez音乐兄弟——都曾被迈阿密大学授予全额奖学金的小号手/作曲家Michael Rodriguez以及钢琴家/作曲家Robert Rodriguez、古巴天才鼓手Ludwig Afonso、在“美国达人秀”中有着非凡表现的青年才子Anthony Almonte和杰出华人萨克斯手黄野为大家现场演绎自己的最新专辑《The Bronx Pyramid 布朗克斯的金字塔》。一场纽约全明星爵士盛宴马上就要拉开帷幕!

As the lead double bassist of the Lincoln Center jazz band, Carlos Henriquez's performance has always been remarkable. This time he will join hands with five outstanding jazz musicians from New York: Rodriguez Music Brothers - Michael Rodriguez, a trumpeter/composer who has been awarded a full scholarship by the University of Miami, and pianist/composer Robert Rodriguez, Cuban talented drummer Ludwig Afonso, the young talented Anthony Almonte and the outstanding Chinese saxophonist Huang Ye in the "American Talent Show" performed their latest album "The Bronx Pyramid's Pyramid". A New York All-Star Jazz feast is about to kick off!



AUG 10 / FRI

  RMB 100 (DOOR)  

 9:00 PM 

Antonio Ximénez Quartet

/ Early Set /

Antonio Ximenez,爵士小号演奏家,擅长拉丁和巴西音乐,富鲁格号、法国号、 长号、 钢琴、 唱歌和爵士乐等即兴创作,三十多年来积累了丰富的音乐经历。曾任JAZZ IMPROVISATION的教师与大乐队指挥。

Jazz trumpet musician, expert in Latin Jazz, Brasil music, Pop, Rock, Dixieland, etc. Since 1973 and the following ten years, having been learning solfege y French horn in city orchestra of San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid). From 1988 until now playing music or being recorded into videos with different music groups or artists with various styles.

 10:30 PM 

JZ Big Band

/ Main Set /

成立于2006年的JZ Big Band是中国顶级爵士大乐队,集合了国内外一流爵士乐手,曾与Dee Dee Bridgewater、崔健、李泉、顺子、赵可等同台合作,并受邀参演丹麦哥本哈根爵士音乐节、历届爵士上海音乐节、上海国际电影节、爵士厦门音乐节、上海世博会倒计时演出等。作为荷兰歌后Laura Fygi中国巡演指定乐队,曾多次随歌后赴北京、广州、深圳、香港等地演出,受到中外观众的关注和喜爱。从经典的摇摆乐、节奏感强烈的放克到热情的拉丁音乐,大乐队将爵士的各种风味更好地在展现乐迷面前。乐队融合而丰富的音乐风格,瞬间带我们回到爵士的黄金时代,让我们在最纯粹的演奏中陶醉。

The JZ Big Band is found in 2006 and now is a top-notch jazz band in China. It is a community of the first-class jazz player at home and aboard. It performed joint lives with Dee Dee Bridgewater, Jian Cui, Quan Li, Shunzi and Ke Zhao, and was invited to participate in Copenhagen Jazz Festival, JZ Festival, Shanghai International Film Festival, Jazz Xiamen Festival, the countdown performance of Shanghai Expo, etc. As the appointed band of Dutch diva Laura Fygi’s performing tour in China, the JZ Big Band performed with her in many metropolises such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The JZ Big Band presents various flavor of jazz to its audience, from classic rock, rhythmic funk to enthusiastic Latin music. Its fusional and fertile music style conjures the golden age of Jazz up, enchanting us in its purest performance.

 1:30 AM (SAT) 

New York Midnight Swing Hosted By Big Al G

/ Late Set /

每周末JZ Club都会带来精彩纷呈的Jam Session,各路爵士高手频频过招,为大家奉献一场别开生面的爵士音乐大餐!

Welcome to our Jam Session which is one of the coolest jazz events in JZ Club! JZ Club will hold fabulous Jam Session on every weekend. Jazz virtuosos will perform live to feast you with unordinary jazz music!


AUG 11 / SAT

  RMB 100 (DOOR)  

 9:00 PM 


/ Early Set /

今晚你会看到熟悉的面孔,但没有人会演奏他们的主要乐器。大部分作品都是由着名的毛里求斯鼓手Jhonny Joseph写的,他今晚不会演奏鼓,而是钢琴。

保加利亚歌手Boyana Joseph将演奏电贝司,毛里求斯歌手/鼓手Gilbert Gilbert Kuppusami将在鼓上演出。 这三个人都是歌手所以期待很多人声,即使音乐主要是乐器。

Gelà是一个令人惊叹的美丽宁静的村庄的名字,位于保加利亚的一座高山上,但在毛里求斯克里奥尔语中也可以被称为“现在和现在的快乐”。 这些是最能描述乐队Gelà的共鸣。

Tonight you’ll see familiar faces, but no one will be playing their main instrument. Most of the compositions are written by the famous Mauritian drummer Jhonny Joseph who won’t be playing the drums tonight, but the piano.

Bulgarian singer Boyana Joseph will be playing the electric bass, Mauritian singer/drummer Gilbert Gilbert Kuppusami will be seen on the drums. These 3 people are all singers so expect a lot of vocals, even though the music will be mainly instrumental.

Gelà is the name of a breathtakingly beautiful and peaceful village, high on a mountain in Bulgaria, but also could be read as “happy here and now” in Mauritian Creole. These are the vibes that best describe the band Gelà.

 10:30 PM 

Throwback Funk Disco Party

/ Main Set /

迪斯科于上世纪七十年代初期逐渐在纽约的一些私人俱乐部中流行开来,Funk/Disco的节奏让身体不由自主的跟随摆动,当时的经典元素爆炸头、喇叭裤、夸张的眼影、垫肩的西装......直至今日依旧令很多人痴迷。7月两场复古派对将还原摩登时代的迪斯科舞会现场,除了两支乐队的演出,午夜还将迎来被称为GUYSKOOL,致力于推广Psy-trance先锋电子音乐的DJ Bobby倾情加盟!

In the early 1970s, disco gradually became the sought-after in some private clubs in New York. People swing their body spontaneously with the rhythm of funk/disco. Classical elements such as Afro-hair, bell-bottoms, heavy eye shadow, suits with high shoulder pads are still charming. Two vintage parties in July will restore the live disco in the Modern Times. Apart from two bands' performance, DJ Bobby, known as GUYSKOOL, dedicating himself to popularizing innovative electronic music Psy-trance, will join us at midnight!

 1:00 AM (SUN) 

Jam Session Funky/Disco Party Hosted by DJ Bobby

/ Late Set /

DJ BOBBY来自上海,1995年开始DJ生涯,作为嘉宾DJ参加1999年“The ORB”、“Gatecrasher”、“Paul Oakenfold”在上海的首次室内派对。2003年后,一直以GUYSKOOL的江湖名号, 致力于推广先锋的电子乐——Psy-trance。作为上海本地厂牌DARK MOON TEMPO的成员, 多次参与组织了Psy-trance露营音乐节“SHALANAYA”,以及电子迷笛、爵士上海等国内大型音乐节的舞台管理和演出。

DJ BOBBY comes from Shanghai. He started his jazz career in 1995, and participated in the first chamber live of “The ORB” “Gatecrasher” “Paul Oakenfold in Shanghai as the special guest DJ in 1999. Since 2003, he has been commited to popularizing Psy-trance, a pioneering electronic music style in the name of GUYSKOOL. As the member of Shanghai band DARK MOON TEMPO, he has organized and attended the stage management and the performance of Psy-trance’s camping music festival ‘SHALANAYA’, Electronic MIDI, JZ Festival, etc.


AUG 12 / SUN

  RMB 50 (DOOR)  


 9:00 PM 

PlaRay With Special Guest

/ Main Set /


PlaRay is a blend of Bulgarian and Mauritian cultures, with an air of Chinese culture as well. This team is renowned for its powerful grooves, spiritually inspired vocals. Based on awareness and love, its core is a harmonious and balanced family. Fresh blood of music flows through its veins, and its music style varies according to its performance. It could not only swing but also lead you into The Balkans to make you experience the exotic island spirits.

如果无法亲临现场,你也可以收听我们的 爵士电台 

电 / 台 / 直 / 播 




时间:每周一至周三 9:00PM - 10:30PM

这是一档由“爵士大叔”老任发起、众多爵士音乐家鼎力加盟的爵士现场直播节目。直播将在以上海JZ Club为主的爵士演出现场,通过高品质的House Mic 接收现场每一段旋律和掌声并完整推送至电台,戴上耳机、闭上眼睛,仿佛瞬间移动到现场。


2018/8/6 周一


任宇清 Lao Ren

贝斯手/JZ Music创始人/爵士大叔

2018/8/7 周二




2018/8/8 周三


薛岳 Nik Xue









