JZ Club/Wooden Box 演出预告▷12.7 Schedule

JZ Club/Wooden Box 演出预告▷12.7 Schedule

JZPOST爵士邮报 欧美女星 2018-12-06 20:46:37 941



1.The Soundbase 

2.JZ Big Band ft. Jasmine Chen 

Conducted by Rolf Becker

3. Midnight Concert Reny Quartet



Tom Peng New Grass Band



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No.158 Julu Rd.

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Stella Artois

Every Mon&Tue

RMB160 - Free Refill

Dec 7/ FRI

现场DOOR:100 RMB

 9:00 PM 

The Soundbase 

/ Early Set /

The Soundbase是由张雄关发起的新颖演奏计划——一支没有贝斯手成员的特别三重奏,他们将用完全不同的方式发出完整的声响!

青年爵士吉他手张雄关是当下中国极具影响力的爵士吉他手、作曲家之一,从多次格莱美奖提名的爵士钢琴大师Fred Hersch、爵士萨克斯宗师JerryBergonzi、麦克阿瑟天才奖获得者Miguel Zenon与JasonMoran等等。自2015年取得新英格兰音乐学院硕士学位归国后,张雄关便任教于上海音乐学院,并陆续发布两张原创专辑《New Sound From The Past - 来自旧时的新声音》(2016)及《Struggles - 挣扎》(2017)。除了自己主领的独奏、三重奏、四重奏及七重奏外,张雄关也参加了多个乐队计划。张雄关曾与爵士吉他大师Kurt Rosenwinkel、萨克斯大师Chris Potter等同台演出,近年来他的身影也陆续在电视节目上出现,曾受邀与流行乐歌手袁娅维、常石磊等同台演出。

Zhang Xiongguan is one of the most influential young jazz guitarists, composers in China. He is also a D’addario artist. Zhang Xiongguan studied with some of the leading figures in the jazz world: Fred Hersch, Miguel Zenon and Jason Moran. After graduating from the prestigious New England Conservatory with a Master degree, he returned his homeland and started his career as an educator in Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Xiongguan’s virtuosity is highly regarded as being one of the most active musicians in China. Since his relocation back to Shanghai in 2015, he has already composed and published two albums. His debut album ”New Sound From The Past”(2016) and latest creation “Struggles”(2017).Renowned Saxophonist, ducator Jerry Bergonzi praised Xiongguan’s Playing and Writing to be “superb and innovative”. Except from leading his own Solo, Trio, Quartet and Septet. Xiongguan can also be heard in different groups in China. Xiongguan has shared the stage with famous jazz artists such as Kurt Rosenwinkel, Chris Potter. In recent years, His appearance can be found in TV programs as well, collaborated frequently with Chinese pop singers such as Tia Ray and Chang Shilei.

 10:30 PM 

JZ Big Band ft. Jasmine Chen 

Conducted by Rolf Becker

/ Main Set /

成立于2006年的JZ Big Band是中国顶级爵士大乐队,集合了中国国内外一流爵士乐手。乐队曾与Dee Dee Bridgewater、崔健, 李泉, 顺子,赵可…等同台合作, 受邀参演:丹麦哥本哈根爵士音乐节、历届爵士上海音乐节、上海国际电影节、爵士厦门音乐节等,以及上海世博会倒计时的演出。同时JZ Big Band曾作为荷兰歌后Laura Fygi中国巡演指定乐队,多次随Laura Fygi赴北京、广州、深圳、香港等地演出,受到中外观众的关注和喜爱。 从经典的摇摆乐、节奏感强烈的放克到热情的拉丁音乐,JZ Big Band将爵士的醇厚等各种风味更好地在展现乐迷面前。乐队融合而丰富的音乐风格,瞬间带我们回到爵士的黄金时代,让我们在最纯粹的演奏中陶醉。

她是“具有轻柔而美妙之音的中国女歌手”,陈胤希(Jasmine Chen),这位被英国《卫报》褒奖的独立音乐人、爵士歌手及词作者是目前中国最活跃的爵士歌手之一。她毕业于英国利兹音乐学院古典音乐系,主修钢琴演奏专业,期间选修爵士演唱,并接受了专业而系统的声乐训练。归国后,她开始了爵士演唱生涯,并寻根中国音乐,将东方音乐元素与西方爵士乐形式相结合,形成了具有独特风格的中国式爵士乐。

Rolf Becker的音乐才能不止指挥,他是一位颇有成就的音乐制作人、作曲家、编曲家以及萨克斯风、黑管、笛等乐器演奏家,现正在世界各地巡回演出。

The JZ Big Band performs everything from swinging classic jazz of Duke Ellingtonand Charlie Mingus, to funk and Latin music, as well their own original compositions and world music arrangements. Since 2012, their special performance in JZ Club has attracted people from everywhere to swing all of the night, just like going back to the golden times.

Jasmine Chen is a jazz musician and songwriter, based in Shanghai, China. Born into a family of professional folk dancers and actors, she was groomed to be a concert pianist but fell in love with jazz while studying at the prestigious Leeds College of Music in England. She returned to China in 2005 to follow this passion, bringing China’s rich musical heritage into the world of jazz.

Rolf Becker's musical talents reach far beyond conducting,he is an accomplished music producer,composer,arranger and musician who plays saxophone,clarinet,flute and has toured the world.

 1:30 AM(SAT) 

Midnight Concert Reny Quartet

/ Late Set /

包峻睿(Reny Bao)活跃于中国音乐圈的青年萨克斯演奏家,本科毕业于上海音乐学院,师从章啸路教授。多次参加“上海中国爵士研讨会”,“JZ Festival爵士上海音乐节”等音乐演出。在中国爵士乐大赛中荣获“最佳演奏奖”、“最佳乐队奖”、“最佳创作奖”。研究生毕业于纽约Queens College Aaron Copland School of Music 爵士演奏专业,在校期间与Antonio Hart、Tim Armacost、David Berkman、Dennis Mackrel、Paul Bollenback等多位音乐家、艺术家、教授学习。

Reny Bao is a young saxophone player active in music circles in China. He graduated from Shanghai Conservatory Of Music and studied under professor Zhang Xiaolu. Participated in music performances such as "Shanghai China Jazz Symposium" and "JZ Festival" for many times. He won the "Best Performance Award", "Best Band Award" and "Best Creation Award" in the Chinese jazz competition. He graduated from Queens College Aaron Copland School of Music in New York and studied with many musicians, artists and professors, such as Antonio Hart, Tim Armacost, David Berkman, Dennis Mackrel, Paul Bollenback.

 ·  HAPPY HOUR  · 

周日-周四 Sun-Thu

8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

指定饮品 买一赠一

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No.9 Qinghai Rd. (near West Nanjing Rd.)

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Dec 7 / FRI 周五

9:30 PM


 Tom Peng New Grass Band 


乐队成立了10年,最初只是演奏美国Country/Blue Grass,随着时间的推移乐队成员的更新替换,很多欢快跳跃、节奏明快、新鲜元多的元素也随之融入进来,成为了一支以美国Blue Grass为主,同时融合了Blues、Jazz、Rock、Folk、World等音乐元素的标新立异的乐队。美国Blue Grass起源于20世纪30年代肯塔基州的山区,在Country基础上,吸收了当地古老的班卓音乐和提琴音乐以及南部山区的叙事歌曲等因素发展而成。经常使用的乐器有小提琴、班卓琴、原声吉他、曼陀林和立式贝司,这些乐器最初由农庄黑人舞蹈乐队普遍使用。

Tom Pang Newgrass Band delivers heartfeltbluegrass music to JZ Shanghai.  Their lineup of instruments and singerswill present authentic American folk music to Shanghai audiences. The complexinterplay of the fiddle and guitar, ringing sound of the banjo, blazingmandolin runs, and the high lonesome vocal harmonies recalls emotions fromsmall country towns half a world away.  New Grasslands plays music that isexciting, plaintive, heartwarming, and most of all… Human.

 ·  HAPPY HOUR  · 

4:00 PM - 19:30 PM

指定啤酒 买一赠一

Selected Beer - Buy 1 get 1 free







