JZ Club上海 一周演出预告 | 11.27-12.3

JZ Club上海 一周演出预告 | 11.27-12.3

JZPOST爵士邮报 欧美女星 2017-11-25 20:38:12 881

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巨鹿路158号#158 JULU RD.

订座电话 | TEL

021-53098221 / 64310269

JZ Club


即送Welcome Drink(Shots 一口干)



11/27 MON 周一  

免费入场 Free Entry

20:30  Early Set

Brian Hurley Trio

Piano: Michael Compton

Bass: Brian Hurley

Drums: Nick McBride

加拿大贝斯演奏家Brian Hurley一直在舞台上散发出独特的魅力,演奏出的优美旋律足以吸引在场的每位听众,他组建的爵士三重奏将带来精彩纷呈的现代爵士乐,尽请期待。

The Canadian bassist Brian Hurley is still brilliant on the stage when playing the bass. The music he composed is so pleased to the ear that attracts the attention of every single audience. Tonight the Trio will perform modern jazz for us, stay tuned.

22:00  Main Set

Jhonny Joseph Quintet

Jhonny Joseph, 来自毛里求斯的知名音乐家、鼓手、编曲人。他是一名炙手可热的鼓手/打击乐音乐家,在中国生活多年的他,作为重要角色活跃在多支爵士与流行乐队中,曾与许多音乐名家合作如Neshen Teeroovengadum、Ernest Wiehe (伯克利音乐学院教师)、Belingo Faro、Eric Triton、Damien Elisa、李泉等等。

Jhonny Joseph, famous musician, drummer and composer from Mauritius. He is a popular drummer and percussion player, living in China for many years, as the important role in several jazz and pop bands, he has cooperated with many famous musicians like Neshen Teeroovengadum、Ernest Wiehe(music teacher in Berkeley)、Belingo Faro、Eric Triton、Damien Elisa and Quan Li.

11/28 TUE 周二

Early Bird: 40RMB  Pre-sale: 60RMB Door:100RMB 

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20:30  Early Set

Pourquoi Pas

22:00 Main Set

Alec Haavik And The Shindiggrs

JZ Music 签约艺人,来自纽约的爵士萨克斯演奏家/作曲家Alec Haavik 隆重推出他的全新音乐企划! 由七位来自美国、西班牙、法国、英国、加拿大,与中国的杰出爵士 音乐家一起演绎纯正摇摆舞的美妙音乐现场。跨越1920到1950年代的国内外经典曲目,透过音乐带你回到摇摆复古的黄金年代,开启上海 爵士黄金年代的新篇章。 

乐队更有中国魅力爵士女声李婕倾情献艺,宽阔的音域,温暖而丰富的声线, 和轮廓分明的唱法,把每一首爵士声乐作品都表现的淋漓尽致。

JZ Music Artist, Shanghai music icon Alec Haavik performs on tenor and soprano sax, painting an interdimensional world of musical explosions. Melding modern jazz, rock, and shamanism, Alec leads a fleet of ensembles known as the “Friction Universe,” questioning the nature of jazz.Alec’s primordial musical soup includes cello at age 5, trombone as a teenager (performing with guest soloist Branford Marsalis), and two recording contracts as an“indie” rock artist. Alec received his Master’s Degree in Jazz Performance at the Manhattan School of Music, where he studied with Dick Oatts and Mark Turner and performed and recorded with schoolmate, Famous Jazz Singer Jane Monheit.

11/29 WED 周三 


20:30  Early Set


B1是一个由Daniela Bessia, 安达,Andy Santana ,成立于2016年底的乐队。仅仅发行了两张专辑便在各大媒体上俘获了成千上百万的粉丝。并且在各大国际巡演中担任特邀嘉宾。

在即将发行新专辑之际,他们将在JZ CLUB进行原声乐器首秀!快来和我们一起期待吧!

B1 was conformed by Daniela Bessia 安达 and Andy Santana Bass at the end of 2016.

With just 2 releases B1 started with thousand of followers on Spotify and other social medias.

Plus China National Television (CCTV) and international tours invited them to be their special guest.

Now with the album almost done, they will present their first acoustic show at JZ club at the center of Shanghai!

Come to join us!

22:00 Main Set

SoulOut-Wilson Chen Quintet

陈嘉俊13岁开始学习演奏萨克斯,陈嘉俊师从萨克斯演奏家、上海音乐学院爵士教研室主任章啸路教授。18岁起正式踏入职业乐手行列,开始在上海的各大酒店酒吧演出,在无数场演出及录音工作中积累了丰富的舞台经验及演奏实力,为演奏不同风格的音乐巩固了扎实的基础。常年活跃于各种舞台的他,演出足迹遍布亚洲及欧洲。创建和合作的乐队有 Wilson Chen & Soulout Project、J3、Joey and Polyphonics、 RTM、Free Funk、 Tinho’s band、Noukilla、BSSB Latino band等,并常年受邀担任上海音乐学院爵士大乐团及JZ All Stars Big Band首席萨克斯, 是各种音乐节与音乐会的常客。不受音乐界限约束的他,也经常出现在流行音乐演唱会及大型音乐类电视节目上。常年合作的国际知名音乐家有:Antonio Hart, Eric Marienthal, Laura Fygi, Dave Koz等。

Wilson was born in 1985 and his teacher is Professor Zhang Xiaolu who is saxophonist and director of Jazz, Shanghai Conservatory of Music. He started to play Saxophone at 13 years old and commenced his professional career at 18 years old, performing in different clubs. He accumulated a wealth of stage experience, which consolidated solid foundation for playing different styles of music. Wilson built up and cooperated with numbers of bands, including his own Wilson Chen & Soulout Project, J3, Joey and Polyphonics, Free Funk, Tinho’s Band, Noukilla, RTM, BSSB Latino band and so on. Several famous International artists, bands and accessories manufactures have paid attention on him.

11/30 THU 周四 

Door: 100RMB


本次演出无预售 仅限当日现场购票

20:30  Early Set


Chekov的风格受挪威电子爵士氛围的影响,早年由编曲人兼制作人Atze Ton在德国慕尼黑组织成立。Atze于2010年来到上海,同时带来了Chekov乐队,合作的乐手还包括鼓手Nicholas Mcbride、Charles Foldesh,键盘手Mark Fitzgibbon,小号手Toby Mak,说唱歌手 Amine El Filali,二胡演奏家Lv Jing等等。现在 Andreas Guenther在乐队中担任萨克斯、长笛和键盘的演奏。在2013年,Chekov乐队在澳门Cotai国际爵士蓝调音乐节上获得了第三名的成绩。

Shanghai-based Chekov combine live electronics with jazz improvisation: sound collages of samples, loops, and beats merge with the live band into a dynamic and vital ensemble. Influenced by the norwegian electronic jazz scene, the band was started by its sole composer and producer Atze Ton and originated in munich, germany. When Atze moved to Shanghai end of 2010, he brought the project with him and has since played with Toby Mak on trumpet, forming the Chekov core team. Chekov has been playing in various line-ups includingNnicholas Mcbride and Charles Foldesh on drums, Mark Fitzgibbon on keys, Amine El Filali on rap vocals and Lv Jing on erhu, the latest addition being Andreas Guenther on keys, sax and flute. In 2013, Chekov made the 3rd prize at Cotai International Jazz & Blues Festival in Macau.

22:00 Main Set


Grzegorz Karnas Formula Band

Vocal:Grzegorz Karnas

Sax:Radek Nowicki
Double Bass : Alan Wykpisz
Drums:Grzegorz Masłowski

Grzegorz Karnas生于波兰上西里西亚。中学时,在音乐学校读过一年的古典吉他课程,后毕业于卡托维兹音乐学校爵士音乐系,这是一所被认为是波兰及周边国家中最富盛名的音乐学校。1998年,他在波兰历史最悠久、且最具声望的国际爵士歌手竞赛中获一等奖。 次年,他发表了他的首张专辑 《Reinkarnasja》,并在波兰和斯洛伐克进行了巡回演出。2004年夏天,他发行了原创专辑《Sny-Dreams of a Ninth Floor》,并在波兰、斯洛伐克、捷克、德国、罗马尼亚参与了一系列的俱乐部酒吧及音乐节演出。 2006年,卡纳斯在比利时获得青年爵士歌手竞赛一等奖。2007年8月,他在法国赢得了国际山顶爵士声乐比赛。与此同时,他在他的家乡residence-Żory主办了他自己的国际音乐节:Voicingers。

Grzegorz Karnas ,born in Upper Silesia, Poland, to a family devoid of musical traditions, finished one year of classical guitar at the secondary music school. Graduate of the Jazz Institute of the Academy of Music in Katowice, considered the most prestigious in Poland and many neighboring countries.

Karnas has always worked with top-line young artists of Poland's jazz scene as well as its legends. In 1998, he was awarded first prize at the oldest and most prestigious Poland’s International Jazz Vocalists competition. The following year, his debut album "Reinkarnasja" was released and put Karnas on the road touring in Poland and Slovakia. In 2006 Karnas was awarded first prize at Young Jazz Singers Competition in Belgium. In August 2007 he was a winner of international CREST JAZZ VOCAL competition in France. In the meantime he organized his own international festival in his city of residence-Żory called Voicingers which focuses on promotion of young jazz singers from all around the world. 

  12/1 FRI 周五 


21:00  Early Set


Chekov的风格受挪威电子爵士氛围的影响,早年由编曲人兼制作人Atze Ton在德国慕尼黑组织成立。Atze于2010年来到上海,同时带来了Chekov乐队,合作的乐手还包括鼓手Nicholas Mcbride、Charles Foldesh,键盘手Mark Fitzgibbon,小号手Toby Mak,说唱歌手 Amine El Filali,二胡演奏家Lv Jing等等。现在 Andreas Guenther在乐队中担任萨克斯、长笛和键盘的演奏。在2013年,Chekov乐队在澳门Cotai国际爵士蓝调音乐节上获得了第三名的成绩。

Shanghai-based Chekov combine live electronics with jazz improvisation: sound collages of samples, loops, and beats merge with the live band into a dynamic and vital ensemble. Influenced by the norwegian electronic jazz scene, the band was started by its sole composer and producer Atze Ton and originated in munich, germany. When Atze moved to Shanghai end of 2010, he brought the project with him and has since played with Toby Mak on trumpet, forming the Chekov core team. Chekov has been playing in various line-ups includingNnicholas Mcbride and Charles Foldesh on drums, Mark Fitzgibbon on keys, Amine El Filali on rap vocals and Lv Jing on erhu, the latest addition being Andreas Guenther on keys, sax and flute. In 2013, Chekov made the 3rd prize at Cotai International Jazz & Blues Festival in Macau.

22:30 Main Set

Mixx Company

Mixx Company成立于2012年,乐队由来自美国的Denise与来自毛里求斯的Gilbert所创立,他们的音乐理念融合了Funk,R&B以及毛里求斯节奏。乐队的创作结合了毛里求斯律动和美国现代音乐。Mixx Company会让你体验到早期与现代不同的节奏形式,是一支不可多得的优秀派对乐队! 

The group was started as a project for JZ Club about 4 years ago. Denise M. From the USA and Gibert K. from Mauritius thought it would be a nice idea to have Funk,R&B Band fused with Mauritius rhythums. So the cord of this group is Maurtius with the frontline Americans. Mixx Company will make you move and groove with the old and new! Come out and have a party!

1:30 Late Set

New York Midnight Swing Hosted By  Big Al G

每周五周六深夜,JZ Club将继续精彩纷呈的Jam Session,各路爵士高手频频过招为大家奉献一道道别开生面的爵士音乐大餐!

Welcome to our Jam Session which is one of the coolest jazz events in JZ Club!

12/2 SAT 周六 


21:00  Early Set

Musical Brothers Ft.Chao&Maria

Music Brothers是一支由上海活跃于各大爵士现场的音乐家们组成的新乐队, 他们的音乐融合了传统与现代爵士等多种风格的热带音乐,犹如冬日暖阳。

New band of Shanghai musicians, who recently start playing  together and showing their love for music on different style, with  a great jazz tendency of new and old jazz style fusing with  tropical music. A good cocktail to make you remember the sunny  places on this winter time.

22:30 Main Set

MG Project

MG PROJECT 是由Macleen和Gilbert两位音乐家建立,结合了来自世界各地的乐手,融合放克、吉普赛、爵士等多种音乐风格的乐队。

MG Project is a unique band lead by Macleen and Gilbert; 2 musicians well-know in Shanghai, for their collaborations with a variety of different people, and groups, playing diverse styles of music!  They're join by (Matt , LaTrece , Michael & JC. )   Together they will give you some funky, jazzy, gospel stuff  get ready people !

1:30 Late Set

New York Midnight Swing Hosted By  Big Al G

每周末JZ Club将继续精彩纷呈的Jam Session,各路爵士高手频频过招为大家奉献一道道别开生面的爵士音乐大餐!

Welcome to our Jam Session which is one of the coolest jazz events in JZ Club!

12/3 SUN 周日 


21:00 Main Set

PlaRay & Balkan Awareness

PlaRay是保加利亚和毛里求斯文化的结合,受到中国文化的欢迎,这个团队以其灵性灵感的声乐,丰富的和声和其独特的风格而着称,以意识和爱情为基础。他们的音乐总是新鲜的。 这个团队的核心是一个和平和谐的家庭,受到许多其他艺术家的启发 - 音乐和生活。他们在不同的表演中表现不同的音乐风格,他们可以摇摆,可以爵士乐,他们可以带你深入巴尔干地区,体验异国情调的岛屿精神生活。

PlaRay Is a mix of Bulgarian and Mauritian cultures, spiced up by the culture of China, where the musicians all live. This team is known for its powerful grooves, spiritually inspired vocals, rich harmonies, and its unique style-based on present moment awareness and LOVE. No song ever sounds the same as any other time, so their music is always fresh. The core of this team is a peaceful and harmonious family, known to inspire many other artists- in music, as well as in life. Their hearts will lead them to different music styles during different performances, so hear them more than once. They can swing, jazz, funk and groove, and with the same ease they can take you deep into The Balkans and bring the exotic island spirits to life.



Bulgaria以奇妙的和弦和旋律闻名,被誉为灵感之洋。是多位大师像Bobby McFerrin,Michael Brecker,Richard Bona所钟爱之地。

到目前为止Balkan Awareness只专注于世界音乐相关的演出,并且现在他们将来到JZ CLUB !你们准备好迎接Balkan Awareness 了吗?

Having traveled around the globe and through different styles of music for years, Bulgarian singer Boyana Joseph had a realization- the most joy she could bring was whenever she got closer to her roots. She stopped pursuing styles, but focused on opening her heart and staying true to it,  which rang in harmony with her life purpose of bringing awareness and peace. 

On this path she met like minded humans, also living to heal through music.They combined their prayers, to serve together.

Half of the team originates from Mauritius which is a place made popular by its music and spirituality (and has totally won Boyana’s heart) Just like in Bulgaria- in Mauritius too, a lot of the traditional music came as a way of communication for people through the hardship of slavery.

Bulgaria is known as the birth place of a lot of the world’s odd meters and unorthodox harmonies, and is an ocean of inspiration- loudly acknowledged by greats like Bobby McFerrin, Michael Brecker, Richard Bona and many others.

So far Balkan Awareness has only performed at festivals focused on World Music, and now they are coming to the intimate stage of JZ Club. Are you ready to gain Balkan Awareness?








每周二 21:00-22:30的趣味解说由不同的资深爵士音乐家陪你边听边聊(科学伴听)。足不出户你便可以聆听演出现场乐手们精彩的器乐对话与博弈通过现场收音系统捕捉演出间隙台上乐手交谈、台下的酒入杯盏......

而其他时段(周三至周一 21:00-深夜),我们也将继续开放直播,邀你静静收听现场演出。


周五 /周六



B区 小沙发(B1-B4)


C区 大沙发(C1-C3)















[email protected] 



#158 JULU RD.


021-53098221 / 64310269






