JZ Club 3.14~3.20 本周演出预告Schedule

JZ Club 3.14~3.20 本周演出预告Schedule

JZPOST爵士邮报 欧美女星 2016-03-14 15:18:26 692
JZ Club
徐汇区复兴西路46号(近永福路) West Fuxing RD, near Yongfu RD, Xuhui District

周一MON  3/14 21:30 

Extreme Pop

由贝斯手Danny Zanker组建的乐队Extreme Pop即将在JZ Club为大家带来精彩演出。Danny的青年时光在英国,以色列和美国德州度过。不同文化的交融,加上正统的爵士乐教育培训,为他作为专业音乐家的未来打下稳固的基础。在1995年他移居美国纽约后,城市丰富的音乐氛围更让其音乐境界更上一层楼,融合了爵士-布鲁斯-中东-重金属-放克与前卫等音乐元素。另外Danny也是一位优秀的作曲家,他的作品复杂但是也有强烈的舞步节奏感,较强的旋律性满载了丰富的感情。

Extreme Pop is a band formed by bassist Danny Zanker. Besides bassist, he is an excellent composer and did a great job in music production. They will perform at JZ Club this Monday.
周二TUE  3/15 21:30 

J3 三重奏
J3 Trio

键盘   黄健怡
萨克斯 陈嘉俊 Wilson Chen
鼓     Jhonny Joseph

J3三重奏成立于2010年,年初发行了专辑《红人》,由黄健怡、陈嘉俊、Jhonny Joseph三位优秀的爵士音乐家组成。J3的音乐风格受到Fushion、Funk、摇滚和现代爵士的影响,注重音乐的整体性,强烈的律动感及乐手现场的即兴对话。不同音乐背景的三位乐队成员,在长期演出磨练中逐渐形成了独特鲜明的音乐风格,既承袭西方现代音乐体系,又将中国音乐的特殊元素融入其中,探索出J3专属的东西方音乐文化的融合,也吸引了一众热爱其音乐风格的拥趸。

Formed by saxophonist Wilson Chen, keyboard player Jianyi Huang and drummer Jhonny Joseph, J3 Trio has release their debut album “Redman” whose genre is fusion, funk, rock and modern jazz. Under the influence of western music, their music combines tradition with the modern element which is unique to this trio.
周三 WED  3/16 21:00 

21:00 – 22:00
Macleen Quartet


As the superior guitarist in Shanghai, Macleen from Mauritius is open for all genres of music including classic, jazz, rock and Latin. This time, Macleen Quartet will bring you to the wonderland of jazz fusion.

22:30 – Late
The Foundation ft. The Brick Squad Band

你听过爵士嘻哈?爵士说唱的节奏与hip-hop完全一样,其素材和音乐结构取自于冷爵士,灵魂爵士和硬爵士。同其他风格的hip-hop相比,爵士说唱更具有一种理性,而且其艺术家在表演时也表现出一种以非洲为中心的政治意识和历史风格。而由Byron Hill组成的The Foundation由主持人、DJ、乐手组成,运用各种曲风制造完美的嘻哈现场音乐。他们的现场音乐每周都会有新的惊喜,不断推出你期待的东西!虽然内容一直在创新,有一样东西是不变的,那就是在坐的你会跳起来与他们一起嘻哈的狂舞!
Have you been to the scene of Jazz hip-hop? It is totally different from hip-hip which derives from cool jazz, soul jazz and hard jazz. Compared with hip-hop, jazz hip-hop is more rational and the musician tends to reflect on their political value and historical style. This time, the Foundation which is formed by Byron Hill will team up with the Brick Squad Band to present a different jazz live to the audience.
周四 THU 3/17 21:00

21:00 – 22:00
Macleen Quartet


As the superior guitarist in Shanghai, Macleen from Mauritius is open for all genres of music including classic, jazz, rock and Latin. This time, Macleen Quartet will bring you to the wonderland of jazz fusion.

22:30 – Late

萨克斯: Wilson Chen陈嘉俊
键盘: Zhu Mang朱蟒
吉他: Misha Kalinin
贝司: Damien Banzigou
鼓: Yan Boodhoo
Wilson在13岁时开始接触萨克斯,在那之后他师从Zhang Xiao Lu教授学习并在2001和2002年获得了雅马哈赞助的国际萨克斯大赛冠军。从19岁他开始在上海的顶尖爵士酒吧和亚洲各大国际音乐节进行职业爵士演出。Wilson Chen还与许多新兴的中国音乐家一起在上海当地进行过多场爵士演出。在作在Tinho Pereira四重奏乐队一员的同时,他同时还是Luxuanchen,J3和JZ All-Stars Big Band乐队的成员。Wilson曾与国际著名爵士大师Dee Dee Bridgewater和Laura Fygi同台演出,并获得了Bob Mintzer, Masato Honda, George Benso, Rusty Higgins和Gene Aitken等名人的高度赞誉。本周,他将和Damien Banzigou等五人游刃于爵士和灵魂之间,让听众灵魂出窍。

Wilson Chen is a saxophonist who was taught by Zhang Xiao Lu and performed at some top places about jazz music. He also collaborated with some big names such as Tinho Pereira and Lu Xuanchen. Meanwhile, he has been in the same stage of Dee Dee Bridgewater and Laura Fygi. This week, he will team up with Damien Banzigou and other three musicians to form a quintet to perform a soulout themed concert for the audience.
周五 FRI 3/18 21:30 

21:30 – 22:30
Jazz Friends

贝司Bass: 老任 Lao Ren
钢琴&作曲Piano & Composition : 金佛Golden Buddha
鼓Drums: Jalill Auckbaraullee

老任:任宇清是中国爵士音乐教父,JZ Music创始人。16岁开始玩摇滚的他,早已活跃于北京摇滚圈20余年,先后担任崔健、朴树等人的贝斯手。而如今的他华丽转身成为亚洲第二大爵士音乐节的创始人。在他心里,音乐才是真正的无门槛、无国界。而这次,他将和他的朋友们鼓手Jalill Auckbaraullee,钢琴家金佛一起带来爵士三重奏,谁是金佛呢?孔宏伟(金佛)始终致力于把中国元素与爵士融合的创作与探索,已成功屹立于世界舞台,是第一个把西方爵士音乐体系与中国民族体系融合的人,也是第一个站在西方的舞台上,用爵士音乐的形式,来讲述我们中国故事的第一人。

Lao Ren, the founder of JZ Music as well as a well-known bassist once was based in Beijing and played the bass for Cui Jian and Pu Shu etc. This time, he will meet his jazz friends, such as drummer Jalill Auckbaraullee and pianist Golden Buddha. But who is Golden Buddha? Golden Buddha is the stage name of Hongwei Kong who explores the Chinese jazz music in combination of Chinese element and therefore he became the first musician in China to integrate the Western jazz music system into the Chinese traditional music system.

23:00 – 01:30

萨克斯: Wilson Chen陈嘉俊
键盘: Zhu Mang朱蟒
吉他: Misha Kalinin
贝司: Damien Banzigou
鼓: Yan Boodhoo

Wilson在13岁时开始接触萨克斯,在那之后他师从Zhang Xiao Lu教授学习并在2001和2002年获得了雅马哈赞助的国际萨克斯大赛冠军。从19岁他开始在上海的顶尖爵士酒吧和亚洲各大国际音乐节进行职业爵士演出。Wilson Chen还与许多新兴的中国音乐家一起在上海当地进行过多场爵士演出。在作在Tinho Pereira四重奏乐队一员的同时,他同时还是Luxuanchen,J3和JZ All-Stars Big Band乐队的成员。Wilson曾与国际著名爵士大师Dee Dee Bridgewater和Laura Fygi同台演出,并获得了Bob Mintzer, Masato Honda, George Benso, Rusty Higgins和Gene Aitken等名人的高度赞誉。本周,他将和Damien Banzigou等五人游刃于爵士和灵魂之间,让听众灵魂出窍。

Wilson Chen is a saxophonist who was taught by Zhang Xiao Lu and performed at some top places about jazz music. He also collaborated with some big names such as Tinho Pereira and Lu Xuanchen. Meanwhile, he has been in the same stage of Dee Dee Bridgewater and Laura Fygi. This week, he will team up with Damien Banzigou and other three musicians to form a quintet to perform a soulout themed concert for the audience.

02:00 – Late
Jam Session

周六 SAT  3/19 21:30 

21:30 – 22:30
Li Xiaochuan Quartet

他是中国最富有才华的青年爵士小号演奏家、作曲家、教育家。前不久,他的《新世代》专辑发布音乐会在JZ Club举行,经典与未来感十足,这次他又将延续其极具个人化魅力的爵士乐。 这次李晓川四重奏保持了固定班底,演绎爵士乐经典传奇和中国当代爵士乐“新时代”声音的强强组合!

Li Xiaochuan, jazz trumpeter, composer and educator, who has been one of China's premier jazz musicians since his emergence. His musical expression and creativity has truly shown China and the world amazing possibilities in music. Following the release of his latest album The New Age, he will bring a total new age to China’s jazz trumpet.

23:00 – 01:30

Noukilla 是一支由来自岛国毛里求斯的音乐家组成的乐队团体, 他们于2005年来到中国的上海。他们开始在这座城市里和不同的乐队合作并翻唱了不同的歌曲,与此同时他们也定期聚在一起表演来自他们遥远家乡的音乐。他们对音乐全身心投入的爱终于在2010年催生了Noukilla乐队的成立,Noukilla在他们的家乡的意思就是“我们到了”。 之后他们就源源不断地给歌迷们带来大量原创歌曲和他们特有的Sega/Seggae混合音乐风格。粉丝们都用“阳光、多姿多彩、热情洋溢、欢乐、充满活力和随时带来好心情”等溢美之词来称赞这支乐队。

Noukilla总是有一种强烈的舞台感染力,可以把笑容播撒到每个人的脸上。 他们不同的民族和文化背景(非洲、印度、英国和法国)使得他们的音乐融合了多样的元素。你可以从克里奥耳语、法语和英语等不同语言组成的歌词里体会到这种多元文化带来的新鲜体验。

Noukilla are five friends from the Island of Mauritius, who came to Shanghai/China in 2005. While playing cover songs with different bands in the city and working as session musicians at the same time, they regularly came together to play tunes from their far away home. Under the name of Gymga – Gilbert, Yan, Macleen, Giovani and Alain – they recorded their first CD with Reggae cover songs. The mixture of their different ethnicities and backgrounds (African/Indian/British/French) reflects in their music with lyrics in Creole, French and English. Right now the band is preparing their first official release for the beginning of next year.

02:00 – Late
Jam Session

周日 SUN 3/20 21:30

Jade Lee Quintet

Vocals - 李婕 Jade Lee
Piano - 黄健怡 Jianyi Huang
Guitar - Scott Dennison
Bass - Danny Zanker
Drums - 薛晓论 Scott Xue

中国新生代爵士歌手/教育者-李婕(Jade Lee)出生于中国广东,从小学习钢琴和舞蹈,并在广州星海音乐学院学习了4年流行演唱和音乐剧表演,2012年以优异成绩考取英国皇家威尔士音乐与戏剧学院爵士演唱专业并获得了奖学金,成为第一个考入该校的中国爵士女歌手,并于2014年取得爵士硕士学位。在英国深造期间,李婕师从于英国国宝级爵士名伶Tina May、英国青年爵士声乐教育家Nia Lynn、英国当代爵士女歌手Brigike Beraha、ECM签约爵士钢琴家Huw Warren、英国杰出爵士教育家及贝斯演奏家Paula Gardiner等,还得到了格莱美获奖者Jacqui Dankworth、英国著名爵士歌手Claire Martin、英国当代爵士和灵魂乐歌手Zara McFarlane等音乐家的专业指导。

Jade Lee is a Chinese young jazz vocalist and educator. Jade started her music study by learning piano and dancing in her childhood. Jade graduated from Guangzhou Xinghai Conservatory with popsinging and musical performance degrees, then was admitted into Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama, which made Jade become the first Chinese female jazz singer in this school, to study jazz singing and performance. During the oversea studying time in UK, Jade was under the tutelage of well-known British Jazz singer Tina may, British jazz vocal educator Nia Lynn, British jazz singer Brigike Beraha, jazz pianist Huw Warren, British distinguished Jazz educator Paula Gardiner, Grammy Award winner Jacqui Dankworth, famous British Jazz singer Claire Martin and British jazz and soul singer Zara McFarlane.
徐汇区复兴西路46号(近永福路) West Fuxing RD, near Yongfu RD, Xuhui District






