《Do you remember》是2009年Lene Marlin演唱的一首歌曲,收錄於專輯《Twist the Truth》
Lene Marlin出生於挪威的北部城市特羅姆瑟,自幼就對吉他演奏非常感興趣,她2歲時開始唱歌,15歲時收到了一把吉他作為聖誕禮物,並開始寫作歌曲。1997年,她因為好友的慫恿,在挪威的一家電臺演唱了幾首歌曲。之後,Lene Marlin在科士蘭創作歌曲《Unforgivable Sinner》,在公交車上認識了一名記者,記者表示很喜歡這首歌曲。於是,她通過該名記者被介紹到維京唱片公司,並與之簽約成為旗下藝人。
Do you remember those days when sun or the rain make your day 你還記得那些陽光明媚、細雨綿綿的日子嗎 Put on your raincoat playing in the mountain 你穿著雨衣在山間玩耍 Nothing can take it all the joy away 那時快樂如影隨形 One cup of the coco then off to the bed 喝上一杯可可,帶著餘香愉悅入睡 Mud still in your hand 雙手指間的泥土芬芳 You didn t care for the sleep with smile on your face 你毫不在意,面帶笑容安然入眠 Nothing is safer than that place 那是你最安心的地方 Do you remember those nights when the sun on the screen made your scare 你可曾記得那些夜晚,投在屏幕上的光線驚擾了你 You brim to the bed under the bed 你倚靠在床邊滾落到床底 You know you will see there and stare 你睜著眼凝視著那裏 Prays to God and close your eyes 閉上雙眼向上帝祈願 For God your favorite bed 告訴上帝你最安心的地方 You didn t care for the sleep with tears on your face 你毫不在意淚流滿面安然入眠 Nothing is safer at that place 那是你最安心的地方 I don t know what makes your keep 我不知道是什麼讓你堅持 Maybe one both maybe none 也許是你值得守護的東西,也許不是 But you know someone 但是你記著某人 You know someone 你還記得他 Do you remember those days they allowed you to play in the sea 你還記得那些天,他們允許你在大海邊玩耍 You put your swimsuit bring all your toys 你穿上泳衣,帶上所有的玩具 Feeling as happy as you could be 感到了前所未有的快樂 wrapped in the towel 裹著浴巾,爬上床 Salt still in your hair 發間仍留著海水的鹹味 You didn t care for the sleep with smile on your face 你毫不在意,面帶微笑安然入眠 Noting is safer than that place 那是你最安心的地方 I don t know what makes your keep 我不知道是什麼讓你一直堅持 Maybe one or maybe none 也許是你值得守護的東西,也許不是 But you know someone 但是你還記著某人 You know someone 你還記得他 I don t know what makes your keep 我不知道是什麼讓你一直堅持 Maybe one or maybe none 也許是你值得守護的東西,也許不是 But you know someone 但你還記著某人 You know someone 你還記得他 Emmm… Emmm… |