JZ Club 上海 一周演出预告 | 11.6-11.12

JZ Club 上海 一周演出预告 | 11.6-11.12

JZPOST爵士邮报 欧美男星 2017-11-05 21:25:33 755

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巨鹿路158号#158 JULU RD.

订座电话 | TEL

021-53098221 / 64310269

JZ Club


即送Welcome Drink(Shots 一口干)



11/06 MON 周一  

Pre-sale: 120RMB Door: 150RMB

22:00  Main Set

YuYing Hsu Quintet 

feat. 纽约爵士小号大师Alex Sipiagin & 中国爵士吉他男神Lawrence Ku

Piano:YuYing Hsu

Trumpet / Flugelhorn:Alex Sipiagin

Guitar:Lawrence Ku

Bass:Hogyu Hwang

Drums:Donald Edwards

这场音乐会《现在》"happened,happening"集结著爵士钢琴家、作曲家许郁瑛在人生旅程时的曾经片刻:以异乡人之眼窥探世界、大自然的目眩神迷、城市裡的光怪陆离、面对爵士大师时的渺小和自我辩证的喜悦。这些过去被完整收录在许郁瑛即将推出的个人第三张爵士创作专辑《现在》"happened,happening",于是,曾经与此刻在音乐裡併存,将在这一时空一次展开:11 月5 日及11 月6 日于上海JZClub,欢迎您一同加入许郁瑛的爵士五重奏现场,此次音乐会特别邀请原始录音阵容之爵士小号名家AlexSipiagin与鼓手DonaldEdwards同台,并加入美籍华裔顶尖爵士音乐家LawrenceKu 与韩籍新生代爵士新星HogyuHwang一同共襄盛举!五种乐器以舞台为画布,呈现多元缤纷的色彩,将音乐的美贯注入我们的灵魂。也许下一段,您会是许郁瑛音乐裡的角色,谁也说不定。

For the longest time I've been documenting mylife experiences through the sound of music, from everyday thoughts to exotic travels,from private reveries before favorite paintings in a Museum to personal notes on the wondrous workof film directors, authors, or jazz masters. Everything that happens in real lifeinspires me. Each single moment when scrutinized always evokes a wealth of fun.After I'd written a few melodies, finally in the winter of 2012 I went to the SystemsTwo Recording Studio in New York and recorded my very first jazz quintet album.

I hope the music in this album will transportyou to the Red Light District in Amsterdam, where I was once entranced by the uniquemale scent lingering in the narrow, crowded alleyways and the irresistible, salacioustemptations in the display windows; or allow you to feel the butterflies in my stomachas I finally picked a bench under the tree in the Central Park to sit and jotteddown music at the last minute before I had to go  into the recording studio.

Through this album I hope to share with youmy peals of unrestrained laughter when sitting alone in my room I found a way tointerweave two songs of  Thelonious Monk andwrote “Nellie, My Dear.” And I will always aspireto catch up with Monk the jazz master. Finally, let me tell these stories startingfrom “Ouverture (pourun film)” — the beginning of everything Heartfeltthanksgo out to Alex Sipiagin, Donny McCaslin, Boris Kozlov, and Donald Edwards, who havebrought these pieces alive and far beyond my imagination. This album is a true analog to my life, past and present. Withmy heart aflutter, now I present to you happened, happening.  — YuYing Hsu, October 2017

11/07 TUE 周二


20:30  Early Set

Juné Koo Trio

Juné Koo,爵士吉他手,毕业于荷兰王子克劳斯音乐学院爵士吉他表演专业。有着丰富的舞台经验,是各大爵士音乐节的常客,在欧洲做过超过200场演出,参与过数张唱片的录制。

Juné Koo, jazz guitarist, graduated from Prins Claus Conservatorium in Jazz Guitar Performance of Netherland. He accumulated a wealth of stage experience, hasregularly performed at Jazz festivals,he has alreadyperformed more than 200 gigs in Europe, cooperated with numbers of groups forperformances and recordings.

22:00 Main Set

巴西爵士乐团 Balaio

乐队2008年由鼓手Leonardo Susi创立。BALAIO原汁原味呈现巴西器乐,集结了世界各地顶尖的巴西音乐家,包括现居香港的钢琴演奏家João Marcos Mascarenhas、纽约的贝司演奏家Sergio Brandão、圣保罗的打击乐演奏家Marco Bosco以及上海的Leonardo Susi。每年他们都会到世界各地进行巡演。他们的音乐会充满了巴西的元素,让你情不自禁置身于亚马逊丛林的花香鸟语中。


Founded in 2008 by the drummer Leonardo Susi, BALAIO is an authentic instrumental Brazilian band composed by the best Brazilian musicians living around the world. The pianist Maestro João Marcos Mascarenhas lives in Hong Kong, the bassist Sergio Brandão lives in New York, the percussionist Marco Bosco lives in São Paulo and the drummer Leonardo Susi lives in Shanghai.


Every year the band get on the road to tour around the globe playing in music festivals in Russia, Hong Kong, Japan, Portugal and France.


BALAIO brings to the concert all the Brazilian elements, such as a unique number from the percussionist Marco Bosco, who reproduces all the Amazon forest’s sounds, playing all the birds sounds, frogs, water falls and so on.

11/08 WED 周三  

Pre-sale: 80RMB Door: 100RMB

20:30  Early Set

Xiao Jun Trio

Guitar:肖骏 Xiao Jun

Sax:李世海 Li Shihai

Bass:Brian Hurley

肖骏是生活在纽约的华人青年爵士吉他演奏家/作曲家,他本科毕业于上海音乐学院,2016年在Suny-Purchase音乐学院拿到了他的硕士文凭,他同时也是Corbin吉他和D’Addario琴弦的代言人,2016年他的乐队被Montery jazz Festival选为全美最顶尖的6支青年乐队,被邀请参加了Next Generation jazz Festival, 在过去3年里 他活跃在纽约的爵士舞台上,与众多大师与明星乐手都有合作他们包括(Doug Weiss, Al Foster, Rick Rosato, Desmond White, Jerad Lippi,Alex Lore, Kevin Hays,Jerome Sabbagh)2017年6月他与纽约最顶尖的一批乐手(钢琴Kevin Hays 萨克斯 Alex Lore 贝斯 Rick Rosato 鼓手 Jerad Lippi)录制了第一张个人原创专辑《Triple Prism》并由4次格莱美获得者Dave Darlington完成了后期混音工作。 

A young and famous jazz guitarist and composer from Dali, Yunnan Province in China, Jun Xiao is a D’Addario Artist and Corbin Artist. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the Shanghai Conservatory and a Masters in Jazz Performance from SUNY Purchase Conservatory of Music. Jun has performed as a member of Shanghai Conservatory Big Band at the Shanghai Jazz Festival, with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, China Philharmonic Orchestra, and toured in China with Beibei,Tian Bai, Chris Trzcinskl Taihang Gao, Peng Ji and Danny Zanker, having performances at the Shanghai JZ Club, Jianghu Club, Ao Club , DDC Club and Jazz Huanglou. Jun has also performed at the Shanghai Theatre Academy, accompanying world-renowned Broadway singers Michael Ball and Miss Saigon-Lea Salonga. Jun has led his own groups in renowned clubs such as the Shanghai 288 Club and the Yuncai Club. His quintet was selected as one of the six finalists for the Next Generation Jazz Festival at the Monterey Jazz Festival.

22:00 Main Set


Xinlu Chen Quintet Ft. Special Guest Hila Kulik  

《辛璐历程 “Terminal 1”》:机场是见证人生百态的一个特殊场所,无数的人们在这里相聚,道别,欢笑,流泪;结束一段人生旅程的同时又开启新的故事篇章。为了追逐音乐梦想,在过去的三年期间陈辛璐往返于上海浦东与纽约肯尼迪机场,专辑中的每一首作品都记载了这些年他在纽约求学的心路历程。


陈辛璐,青年爵士萨克斯手,作曲人;先后毕业于杭州师范大学音乐学院;纽约城市大学艾伦科普兰音乐学院爵士系,获双硕士学位。纽约求学期间师从格莱美奖提名美国爵士萨克斯大师Antonio Hart,Tim Armacost;爵士小号演奏家,格莱美获奖编曲家Michael Mossman;爵士钢琴家David Berkman,Jeb Patton曾带领自己的乐队活跃于纽约的爵士舞台。


来自以色列的钢琴演奏家Hila Kulik, 8岁开始习琴,2010年毕业于耶路撒冷学院,2014年移居纽约学习,2016年获得纽约皇后学院硕士学位。在过去十年间,Hila与无数世界顶尖爵士音乐家有过合作,包括Antonio Hart, Donald Harrison, Achinoam Nini, Michael Varekamp, Bria Skonberg等。演出足迹遍布以色列,巴西,纽约等国际地区,曾参加国际红海爵士音乐节,“Hot Jazz Concerts”:Charlie Parker,Louis Armstrong, Nina Simone 纪念音乐会系列等。


Xinlu Chen, a Chinese jazz saxophonist, composer, 2-master-degree owner who graduated from Conservatory of Hangzhou Normal University, Aaron Copland School of Music(CUNY).Studied with bunch of phenomenal jazz greats based in New York City like Antonio Hart, Tim Armacost. Michael Mossman, David Berkman,Jeb Patton. during her 3 years residency in New York, she leads her band at some jazz venues in NYC.


Israel native Hila Kulik began studying piano at the age of 8 and graduated from Jerusalem Academy in 2010. After playing with many of the top musicians of Israel, Hila arrived in New York in January 2014 and earned a master's degree from the Aaron Copland School of Music at Queens College in January 2016. During the last decade Hila has performed with leading jazz musicians in Israel and abroad, including international singer Achinoam Nini (Noa), saxophonist Antonio Hart (NY), Donald Harrison (New Orleans), trumpeter Michael Varekamp (Netherlands), trumpeter Bria Skonberg (NYC), singer Pauline Jean (NYC), drummer Shirzette Tinnin (NYC) and others. She has performed in major jazz productions in Israel, including the International Red Sea Jazz Festival in Eilat; the "Hot Jazz Concerts”:Charlie Parker Tribute (2016); Louis Armstrong tribute (2015); Nina Simone Tribute (2014); and others. Currently Hila plays around New York and abroad in jazz clubs, concerts, and special events.

11/09 THU 周四  


20:30  Early Set


PlaRay是保加利亚和毛里求斯文化的结合,受到中国文化的欢迎,这个团队以其灵性灵感的声乐,丰富的和声和其独特的风格而着称,以意识和爱情为基础。他们的音乐总是新鲜的。 这个团队的核心是一个和平和谐的家庭,受到许多其他艺术家的启发 - 音乐和生活。他们在不同的表演中表现不同的音乐风格,他们可以摇摆,可以爵士乐,他们可以带你深入巴尔干地区,体验异国情调的岛屿精神生活。

PlaRay Is a mix of Bulgarian and Mauritian cultures, spiced up by the culture of China, where the musicians all live. This team is known for its powerful grooves, spiritually inspired vocals, rich harmonies, and its unique style-based on present moment awareness and LOVE. No song ever sounds the same as any other time, so their music is always fresh. The core of this team is a peaceful and harmonious family, known to inspire many other artists- in music, as well as in life. Their hearts will lead them to different music styles during different performances, so hear them more than once. They can swing, jazz, funk and groove, and with the same ease they can take you deep into The Balkans and bring the exotic island spirits to life.

22:00 Main Set


Collectivity是由美国吉他手、作曲家Ben Misterka组建的一支六重奏乐队,通过即兴表达的交融来组合演绎作品。紧密的节奏加上 Ben 用吉他演绎的灵魂乐,再搭配创新与积极的氛围,这是Collectivity乐队的特征。这个集合了来自美、中、澳、毛等国音乐人的高能现场型团体正在逐渐成为大家关注的焦点。


Collectivity is a 6 piece psychedelic funkband formed by American guitarist and composer Benjamin Misterka.  Theconcept is upbeat tunes, connected by conversational grooves and collective improvisation. Tight grooves, soulful guitar work, creative arrangements, and a positivevibe are some key elements to expect at a Collectivity show.  Thisinternational group of musicians is quickly gaining momentum in the festivaland concert scene.

In 2011, he was selected in the top 15 finalist of GuitarIdol III, a worldwide talent search to find the hottest undiscovered guitaristsfrom every corner of the globe. 10th most voted by public among the 100finalists in over 1700 competitors from all over the world. 

  11/10 FRI 周五


21:00  Early Set


PlaRay是保加利亚和毛里求斯文化的结合,受到中国文化的欢迎,这个团队以其灵性灵感的声乐,丰富的和声和其独特的风格而着称,以意识和爱情为基础。他们的音乐总是新鲜的。 这个团队的核心是一个和平和谐的家庭,受到许多其他艺术家的启发 - 音乐和生活。他们在不同的表演中表现不同的音乐风格,他们可以摇摆,可以爵士乐,他们可以带你深入巴尔干地区,体验异国情调的岛屿精神生活。

PlaRay Is a mix of Bulgarian and Mauritian cultures, spiced up by the culture of China, where the musicians all live. This team is known for its powerful grooves, spiritually inspired vocals, rich harmonies, and its unique style-based on present moment awareness and LOVE. No song ever sounds the same as any other time, so their music is always fresh. The core of this team is a peaceful and harmonious family, known to inspire many other artists- in music, as well as in life. Their hearts will lead them to different music styles during different performances, so hear them more than once. They can swing, jazz, funk and groove, and with the same ease they can take you deep into The Balkans and bring the exotic island spirits to life.

22:30  Main Set

The JZ Big Band Directed by Alec Haavik

Featuring  Frank Bray  Guest Conductor: Antonio Ximénez

成立于2006年的JZ Big Band是中国顶级爵士大乐队,集合了中国国内外一流爵士乐手。乐队曾与Dee Dee Bridgewater、崔健, 李泉, 顺子,赵可…等同台合作, 受邀参演:丹麦哥本哈根爵士音乐节、历届爵士上海音乐节、上海国际电影节、爵士厦门音乐节等,以及上海世博会倒计时的演出。同时JZ Big Band曾作为荷兰歌后Laura Fygi中国巡演指定乐队,多次随Laura Fygi赴北京、广州、深圳、香港等地演出,受到中外观众的关注和喜爱。 从经典的摇摆乐、节奏感强烈的放克到热情的拉丁音乐,JZ Big Band将爵士的醇厚等各种风味更好地在展现乐迷面前。乐队融合而丰富的音乐风格,瞬间带我们回到爵士的黄金时代,让我们在最纯粹的演奏中陶醉。


Alec Haavik专注于高音、次中音萨克斯风的演奏多年,擅长即兴创作与爵士风格演出,在美国合作过的对象包括了诸多当今爵士大牌歌手,如Jane Monheit, Ronnie Burrage, Daniel Carter, Taro Koyama, Gregory Hutchinson, Shoko Nagai等。 在美国曼哈顿音乐学院完成他的硕士学位,Alec师从Dick Oatts 和Mark Turner,后者是当今世界爵士乐坛最为人瞩目的爵士萨克斯手之一;同时Alec也曾和Ralph Bowen, Dave Tofani和George Garzone等名家学习。


Frank Bray来自美国俄克拉荷马,六岁开始登台,在德州达拉斯山景城的音乐表演艺术学院接受了专业的训练。Frank拥有丰富的演出经验,经常受邀为世界知名品牌演出,与洛杉矶以及纽约的众多超级乐队合作。现今他居住在上海,事业的中心转向亚洲地区,如今他是歌手、演员、制作人以及导演。


The JZ Big Band performs everything from swinging classic jazz of Duke Ellingtonand Charlie Mingus, to funk and Latin music, as well their own originalcompositions and world music arrangements. Since 2012, their special performance in JZ Club every Monday has attracted people from everywhere to swing all of the night, just like going back to the golden times.


JZ Music Artist, Shanghai music icon Alec Haavik performs on tenor and soprano sax, painting an interdimensional world of musical explosions. Melding modern jazz, rock, and shamanism, Alec leads a fleet of ensembles known as the “Friction Universe,” questioning the nature of jazz.Alec’s primordial musical soup includes cello at age 5, trombone as a teenager (performing with guest soloist Branford Marsalis), and two recording contracts as an“indie” rock artist. Alec received his Master’s Degree in Jazz Performance at the Manhattan School of Music, where he studied with Dick Oatts and Mark Turner and performed and recorded with schoolmate, Famous Jazz Singer Jane Monheit.


Born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Frank Bray first began singing on stage at the age of six. Frank is professionally trained having graduated from the Performing Arts Musical Theatre Conservatory at Mountain View in Dallas Texas. Frank has extensive experience and has worked at some of the most renowned venues in the world as well headlining events for prestigious super brands in both LA and in New York.Now based in Shanghai, Frank is currently focusing on the Asia region, as a singer, actor, producer and director.

1:30 Late Set

New York Midnight Swing

每周五周六深夜,JZ Club将继续精彩纷呈的Jam Session,各路爵士高手频频过招为大家奉献一道道别开生面的爵士音乐大餐!

Welcome to our Jam Session which is one of the coolest jazz events in JZ Club!

11/11 SAT 周六 


21:00 Main Set

 José 's Puro Sabor Latin jazz Quarter Experiencia

来自荷兰的键盘手Keyboard Jose Herrera,于2003年移居上海,曾在南美洲、欧洲、东亚各国等进行过各类演出,并拥有多次与世界知名乐手同台的经历。擅长于爵士、流行、拉美等各类风格的音乐。除键盘外还能够演凑钢琴、手风琴及进行演唱。现在上海多个酒吧、餐厅尽兴驻场演出。

Skills Venezuelan born musician, who started his professional career at the age of 16 in Maracaibo, Venezuela. Piano &  Keyboard player, arrenger, composer , and singer.  

22:30 Late Set

MG Project

MG PROJECT 是由Macleen和Gilbert两位音乐家建立,结合了来自世界各地的乐手,融合放克、吉普赛、爵士等多种音乐风格的乐队。 

MG Project is a unique band lead by Macleen and Gilbert; 2 musicians well-know in Shanghai, for their collaborations with a variety of different people, and groups, playing diverse styles of music! They're join by (Matt , LaTrece , Michael & JC. ) Together they will give you some funky, jazzy, gospel stuff get ready people !

1:30 Late Set

New York Midnight Swing

每周末JZ Club将继续精彩纷呈的Jam Session,各路爵士高手频频过招为大家奉献一道道别开生面的爵士音乐大餐!

Welcome to our Jam Session which is one of the coolest jazz events in JZ Club!

11/12 SUN 周日 

Pre-sale: 260RMB

Door: 350RMB

21:00  Main Set

爵仕·李泉 上海专场

毕业于上海音乐学院的李泉,后来又到伯克利音乐学院主修了音乐写作与制作,是第一个荣获美国“Rolling Stone”音乐杂志古典音乐大奖的华人艺术家。四岁开始学习古典钢琴,每天练琴超过八小时,小学便就读于上海音乐学院附小的李泉很早就浸润在古典音乐环境中。随后李泉顺利考入上海音乐学院,主修钢琴、作曲。1995年推出第一张国语专辑《上海梦》后正式进入演艺圈的李泉开始为周冰倩、黄格选、杜德伟等歌手创作歌曲。在其后的职业生涯中,李泉也曾多次为林忆莲、刘德华、林宥嘉等歌手创作歌曲,《我要我们在一起》成功地让小魔女范晓萱转型绝代名伶,而他的单曲《流浪狗》打破了内地歌手25年未获“香港十大中文金曲奖”的纪录。本场演出,“爵仕”李泉也将与其他五位爵士乐手合作,为大家带来独具李泉风格的爵士之夜。

 爵仕·李泉 专场音乐会

 (上海  -  北京)

11月12日 JZ Club Shanghai
11月16日 Blue Note Beijing



11月12日 SUN 21:00

JZ Club 巨鹿路158号

#158 JULU RD.



识别二维码订购《爵仕•李泉》 上海专场门票


或拨打021-53098221 / 64310269详询




演唱:李泉 / 钢琴:黄健怡

贝司:任宇清 / 小号:胡丹峰

萨克斯:李世海 / 鼓:安雨

00:00 Late Set

Jam Session Hosted by Xiao Jun Quartet

每周末JZ Club将继续精彩纷呈的Jam Session,各路爵士高手频频过招为大家奉献一道道别开生面的爵士音乐大餐!

Welcome to our Jam Session which is one of the coolest jazz events in JZ Club!












改版后的爵士现场将延续过去每周二 21:00-22:30的趣味解说由不同的资深爵士音乐家陪你边听边聊(科学伴听)

而其他时段(周三至周一 21:00-深夜),我们也将继续开放直播,邀你静静收听现场演出。

JZ Club创立于2004年,每天2-4支高品质爵士乐队现场演出


周五 /周六



B区 小沙发(B1-B4)


C区 大沙发(C1-C3)















[email protected] 

JZ Club上海





#158 JULU RD.


021-53098221 / 64310269






