【MAO Livehouse万圣节特别呈现】濒死体验艺术馆 NDE Gallery

【MAO Livehouse万圣节特别呈现】濒死体验艺术馆 NDE Gallery

MAOLivehouse上海 欧美女星 2017-10-27 19:44:18 1211

MAO Livehouse 万圣节特别呈现-NDE艺术馆

时间:10月28日-31日 (周五-周一 FRI to MON)23:00-01:00


票价:免费入场 Free-entrance (派对装扮者可领取免费酒水特饮一份 costomer with a free drinks



Halloween, Ready for a legal psychedelic trip?

Per Aspera Ad Astra


To infinity and beyond…


Halloween originated in Celtic shaman civilization, and it was a beautiful wish for the rebirth of beloved ones who have passed away: on that day they will return to our world. Meanwhile, it expresses the awe of the ancient civilization for "the world after death”. It was the ancient way to exploring our lives, which is similar as NDE research in scientific language today. 

Moreover, Halloween was the ritual for summer officially ending and celebrating that autumn begins.




Death is a door, when it’s closed, another one, a door of perception will be open. Our life is not only our own. From womb to tomb, we and others connected.

Let’s turn back to the source where art begins—talking about our relation with Death, in fact we’re talking about life. It is the force of life, leading us walk towards the authentic promised land.

We’re here, with the universe coexist.

于是有那么一群这个城市最先锋的艺术家们在MAO Livehouse即将举行这样一场“NDE艺术馆”。艺术家们穿越生死为大家制造出这样一个抹除了时间界限的实验空间,为你们释放灵性的自由,观众在这里也成为视听演出的一部分。我们用沉浸式的艺术装置、行为与艺术表演以及DJ现场带领大家进入一场仪式感十足的感官之旅,我们从声音、视觉、嗅觉以及味觉多重维度彼此渗透,用艺术来为大家合法致幻,探索生命以及存在的种种未知与可能。

这也将是万圣节期间上海最“飞”的一场派对,28-31号四天晚上,11点到1点现场表演之后,从Deep house到Dark techno再到Psytrance,还有领你想不到的神秘音乐空间。在舞动之中我们找到生命的节奏,一起庆祝这个城市最美丽的季节到来。


Therefore, the coolest vanguard artists in town will make this “Near-Death experience gallery” happen in Mao Live house. Artists have gone beyond life and death and came back to design such a NDE gallery where time doesn't exist and echoes with freedom of spirit. Audiences are invited to be part of their audiovisual performance. 

We’re planning a sensory shamanic journey for everyone by immersive art installations, live performance and DJ acts. Through the interpenetration in multiple dimensions as visual, audio, smell and gustation, we will hallucinate people in a legal way. 

Let’s try to explore the possibility of life and our existence together.

It will be the most psychedelic and trippy party during Halloween in Shanghai. From 28 to 31, 4 nights, from 11pm to 1am , after live artistic performance, DJs will be on the stage, from Deep house to Dark techno until Psytrance, plus unexpected mysterious space, we dance to find the rhythm of life and celebrate the best coming season of the city. 

Dance, Dance, otherwise we’re lost.


MAO Livehouse 万圣节特别呈现



11pm--1am 现场艺术演出

1am--Late DJs


Near Death Experience Gallery 

MAO Livehouse Halloween special edition 

Add: 3/F,308 Chong Qing Nan Lu

Time:28-31 Oct. 2017 

11pm--1am collaborative artist actions of sound, visuals, performances and installations

1am--Late DJs

No entrance fee. Death is for everyone.

Costume gets one free drink


Participation artists

Cosmic Downtempo 

Eugenio Altieri是一位base于上海的意大利制作人/设计师

“Atieri”是Eugenio的个人项目,风格受到来自于House,新浪潮以及Obscure disco的影响,核心灵感来自于日常生活本身。

“Atieri”同时组织每月的“ITALIAN DANCE WAVE ASIA”于上海Dada、东京以及柏林。


Atieri: Eugenio Altieri is an Italian producer/designer based in Shanghai.

“Altieri” is Eugenio’s solo project, influenced by the Dark Side of house, new wave and obscure disco, but its key inspiration is daily life itself.

Altieri also host ITALIAN DANCE WAVE ASIA monthly at Dada Shanghai , Tokyo and Berlin.




Mandala Tribal Dance:融合了美式部落肚皮舞以及卡巴莱肚皮舞的部落融合是西方现代舞的一种形式。艺术通常混合Popping街舞,嘻哈,“埃及”与“卡巴莱”肚皮舞的元素,也融入了传统舞蹈如佛拉明戈、卡萨克舞、奥蒂西舞以及其他民间舞蹈的舞动规则,也同时与你的灵魂共舞。



Mandala Tribal Dance : Tribal fusion is a modern western form dance created by fusing American tribal style belly dance & American cabaret belly dance. Artists frequently incorporate elements from Popping, Hip hop, 'Egyptian ' or 'Cabaret ' belly dance, as well as movement principles from traditional forms such as Flamenco,Kathak,Odissi, and other folkloric, and also the movements from your soul.


wechat : 13122270573

No TeK Live FX & DJ 

LOCHOI *LL给人带来的音乐感受,就像是来自时间混沌之时,所有人围住熊熊燃烧的火焰一般的迷幻集会。 伴随着循环往复的鼓点,风吹动树叶的沙沙摩挲,柴火劈啪作响,仿佛故事永无止境。

在他的音乐里,你好像也听见有人在你耳边低 语着从未听闻的话语,也似乎有人在靠近这团 由音乐燃起的,歇斯底里的火焰,让人眼里饱 含泪水,或是放声大笑。Lochoi的作品带有自 由的能量和精神,让我们想起在Beighain的tekno和像Jeff Mills那样的跑趴儿。


 *LL aka Lochoi sound is often like a gallop of rhythms gathered for a trance ceremonial around the fire pit like in the Old times when time never existed . Together with the repetitive drums , the story is permanently writing itself , amplifying at times or others the sound of wind in the tree leaves, the fire crackling, some whispers of unheard talks,

a shout to reunite closer to the fire, some tears and crying filled with fears, some laughs of happiness , poetry and chants.

Lochoi sets have some free energy and mental feeling , A music selection reminding of Club Berghain Tekno and a mixing style often said reminding

clubbers of iconic Jeff Mills http://www.mixcloud.com/laurentl



曾参与北京国际设计周,上海时装周,Just Passing By群展,流动小雷音,乌托邦行动等活动,主理厂牌SicSounds发起Fake Hope系列派对,2015年在fRUITYSPACE做交互式声音个展,2016年发行首张EP,并在全国和日本巡回演出。现居上海。

Dee 的歌曲《Fancy Suite》 



Experimental artist, DJ, founder and vocal of improve project 汨Mii, member of Nojiji, Raying Psychedelic Coalition and Ong. He likes to build surreal psychedelic scenes combine atmospheric sounds and noise with dark drama and performances.

Dee took part in events such as Beijing Design Week, Just Passing By series Exhibition, Raying tours, Utopia Action, etc. Dee had first personal interactive sound performance exhibition at fRUITYSPACE Beijing 2015, and released his first EP and noise toured around China and Tokyo on 2016. 



SCI-FLYERS是上海Based的DJ:DJ Sun以及DJ ONE-TWO合作的音乐项目。他们的友谊始于舞池的相遇,基于共同对迷幻音乐的热情与欣赏,命运将他们捆绑在一起作为DJ组合在不同的场所演出,音乐风格影响和理念的组合带领他们走向这个现场的音乐项目。



SCI-FLYERS is a music project brought to life by Shanghai-based DJs SUN and ONE-TWO. Beginning their friendship first in the dance floor, by sharing the appreciation and passion for psychedelic music, fate brought them together performing as DJs in several occasions, leading to the decision of uniting their musical influences and visions into a

LIVE Project.

With each bringing and complementing the new-born project with unique influences, fusing different backgrounds resulting in a synth-full sound filled with spirituality, mysticism and groove reminiscent of global sounds gathered in years spent on dance floors.

In addition to performing on stages across the Middle Kingdom and beyond, the SCI-FLYERS are cooking their first full studio productions, ready to hit the sound systems of the whole world.



阿鸣 Aming 

使⽤用⾝身体作为震动的载具,遁⼊入梦境声响,以 停顿内在对话;新的知觉由此得以产⽣生与发展。使⽤用空间, 演奏时间,制造紧张,有时舒缓。

A Ming(Liang Qiming) is a happening sound artist living in Shanghai skillful in taking advantage of a wide spectrum of spaces and ready-made objects in performance. 

The Vibration of the Universe

[Street Kreativs]


The border between life and death is fading, your journey of introspection begins. Primordial sounds, vibrations from ancient forgotten worlds, tension and release, your inner animal self will be stroked and reborn, and we will guide you inside your own self to show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Sonno Profondo

Most Lonely Boy是一个反社会的艺术家进行的“社会学”艺术项目,他的艺术语言包括从数字图形化的插画,扁平化的绘画到日式绑缚艺术、装置以及行为。他的灵感来自于他在人性中感知到的爱与恨,以及他总是被人类自我毁灭层面上的所作所为所惊艳到的感受。他的艺术作品希望混合了艺术家、艺术作品以及观众的身份。他们曾经在意大利、法国、英国、美国和中国出没。总的来说,他讨厌用第三人称谈论自己,但是这次他觉得还行吧。

Most Lonely Boy is an antisocial artist doing "sociological" art. He jumps from digital graphic illustrations, flat style painting to shibari art, installations and performances inspired by the love and hate he feels towards humanity and towards the always amazing self-destructive layers that human beings build on themselves. His art pieces want to mix the roles of artist, artwork and visitors. They have been somewhere around Italy, France, UK, USA and China. He hates talking about himself in third person, but also this time he thought it was fine.

Virus Is Taken



病毒,指那些没有目的事物,从物质到生命,在有机与无机之间。无规则,即兴,随机的相遇。Wen试图将传统“流动艺术(Flow Art)”混入更为多元的声音背景和环境,用光与运动去探索生与死的边界。

Poi dance improvisations

Virus, those who don't have a purpose. From material to life, in between organic and inorganic. Irregularity, improvisation, random encounters. Wen mixes traditional flow art with experimental, noisy electronic tunes, using lights and actions to explore the boundaries of the dead and living.

Euphorbia Virus: when a forrest and a nuclear plant made love



The basic principle underlying my work is the application of semiotics into various meaning agents but mainly found objects to compose surrealistic meta-texts. The resulting installations create a discerning, self-ironic, provocative and non beautified conceptual art that poses a critique on the contemporary human condition.

"NBE": nothing but enlightenment

Alexis Mailles


Using digital and analog techniques, he produce hybrid installations that border the frontiers of Arte Povera and cyberpunk styles. with an offbeat use of signals, he offer an absurd look at our technological society.

DJs and VJs 


风格:Techno/Tech House.

声⾳来⾃乐器和机器,精神来⾃人类”。从第⼆代沪上摇滚乐队的代表--⽔晶蝶乐队主唱,到国内第⼀音乐现场MAO Livehouse主理⼈,再到深夜俱乐部与派对上的电⼦DJ...从具象的摇滚乐,到抽象的电⼦乐,Dalong[⼤龙]⼀直努⼒在他全新的⾳乐领域专注于对电子乐的探索与领悟。不在意表面⻆色的互换,并坚信⾳感视觉之下的舞蹈能量,享受在⾃己操控的“新意识主义”循环中。今后他将从多年热爱的摇滚舞台,更多地转向电子舞台,通过冷静的合成器器、出色的混音,创造迷漫叠加的⾳浪威慑。 

Dalong [big big dragon]

Techno/Tech House.

"The sound comes from the instrument and the robot, the spirit comes from the human being." From the second generation of Shanghai rock band representatives - water crystal butterfly band lead singer, to the first do- mestic music scene MAO Livehouse main manager of the people, and then to the late night club and party on the electronic child DJ ... From the concrete rock and roll, to the abstract electronic music, Dalong [big big dragon] has been trying to focus on his new music in the field of music on the exploration and understanding of electronic music. 


DJ/独⽴音乐和文化推⼴人。2006年起醉心电子⾳乐并发起各种⾳乐交流派对在⾹港, 杭州,上海和北京。

"Mix all genres"是他DJ的特点。

school hip hop, Electronica, Ambient, Balearic, Chill wave, 芝加哥house,底特律Techno,Dub Disco还有 伦敦的Drum n Bass等等。

Kenanjun DJ的场所从⾳乐俱乐部到⼩型的画廊, 独⽴电影节,独立时装品牌集合店,美容美发店等,不同形态的社区和空间 。同时他也为很多综合商场,国际连锁酒店,西餐厅,酒吧和时装品牌还有在线时装店铺等不同单位制作混⾳音和选曲。

现在主要工作和生活在杭州,上海和⽇本。 经常在⼩型俱乐部和⼩餐厅和各种社区型小活动中担任DJ。 请⼀定听听,他的⾳乐的味道。

DJ / independent music and culture promoter 

Since 2006 Kenanjun have done music exchange initiated by various parties in Hongkong, Hangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing. 

"Mix all genres" is his DJ motto.

His selection consists of everything from jazz, old school hip hop, indie electronica, ambient, Balearic, chill wave, Chicago house, Detroit Techno,Dub Disco to UK drum and bass.  Kenanjun have performed as a DJ at numerous clubs, also other venues like galleries, fashions shops, an indie film festival, a beauty salon and other various community venues. His work also consists of music selection for integrated shopping malls, international chain hotels, restaurants, cafes, bars, fashion brands and online fashion shops. Currently Kenanjun work and live between Hangzhou, Shanghai and Japan. In each place he DJ for a variety of communities



ONE-TWO来到中国后,加入了DMT Crew,随后受邀参加了Spirit Tribe,Shalanaya festival以及迷笛电子音乐节等大型活动,他缓慢渐进的DJ风格,深受大家的喜爱。

SOUNDLCOUD:  https://soundcloud.com/dj_one_two

MIXCLOUD: https://www.mixcloud.com/One_Two/

PYRO MUSIC: https://pyromusic.cn/profiles/one-two

Tom Homberger aka ONE-TWO,is a Shanghai-based Swiss DJ with a longstanding love for Psy-Trance music. Starting as a regular partygoer over a decade ago, he first joined and helped out crews to organise events and festivals around Europe.

It was just a matter of time before ONE-TWO’s passion brought him behind the decks, bringing the crowd the same vibes and sounds that guided him through psy-dancefloors all over the world.

With the dedication and passion going into his each set, ONE-TWO has been able to entertain crowds and make people dance in a variety of settings and environments, from large outdoor festivals to underground niche nights, always gaining enthusiastic appreciation and approval from every crowd he’s played for.

SOUNDLCOUD:  https://soundcloud.com/dj_one_two

MIXCLOUD: https://www.mixcloud.com/One_Two/

PYRO MUSIC: https://pyromusic.cn/profiles/one-two

Rabbits Never Talk

Rabbits Never talk是艺术策展人、视觉艺术家郑轶(Vanessa Zheng)的Audiovisual艺术项目。同时她也是亚文化的研究者以及人类学家,致力于研究基于人类学萨满理论与认知神经科学的艺术治愈理论的研究。亚文化潮流活动厂牌"福苓"Halluci Nation的联合创始人。

她曾在欧洲多年旅居生活中从事audiovisual arts(VJ & DJ),曾经实习工作于奥地利维也纳电子艺术厂牌Sound:Frame,混迹于柏林以及其他城市各种艺术聚落,并在博洛尼亚大学毕业论文方向为“电子表演艺术”的理论与实践。音乐风格为德系Techno,以及与部落世界音乐、致幻艺术结合的探索。


An audiovisual project by the curator and visual artist Vanessa Zheng. She is also a subculture researcher and anthropologist, devoted herself into developing her art healing theory through Shamanism and cognitive neuroscience approach, Co-founder of label 福苓Halluci Nation.

She has been doing audiovisual arts ( VJ&DJ) during her stay in Europe for years, worked under electronic arts label Sound:Frame in Vienna (AU). A wanderer around artist communities in Berlin and other cities, her academic dissertation at UNIBO was about "Digital performance". Her music set style is German Techno and she is exploring the possiblities with world tribal music and psychedelic arts.

Wechat Public account: DerBlau


Martin是一位Based于上海的来自马其顿的音乐人,他曾经担任马其顿城市电台的音乐总监、派对活动推广者以及音乐记者,这些经历培养出了独特的音乐品味。从Deep House到现代音乐厅,从Drum n Bass到爵士,没有任何限制。让我们跟着Martin音乐品味选择的set来一起来惊艳我们的耳朵吧。

Martin is a music selector from Macedonia and based in Shanghai. His past experience as a music director at an urban radio station,event promotion, and music journalism allowed him to develop an eclectic musical taste. From deep house to modern dance hall, from drum and bass to jazz, nothing is off limits… We will let Martin surprise us with his eclectic set.



Yellow Magic Orchestra(YMO) the yukihiro Takahashi's apparel Department belong to I had. from him with music fashion learned. realistic sound and video converting live video samples and processed VJ style that.


Stage and Space Installation Design:



DMT (Dark Moon Tempo) 音乐工作室视觉艺术指导


Founder of SUA space design studo.

DMT (Dark Moon Tempo) Visual arts director

Shalanaya Festival art director

平面设计Graphic Design




Visual artist & illustrator,A music lover

yeyeyes.studio co-founders


About NDE

Near-Death Experience (NDE)--指由某些遭受严重创伤或疾病但意外地获得恢复的人,以及处于潜在毁灭性境遇中预感即将死亡而又侥幸脱险的人所叙述的死亡威胁时刻的体验。它和人们临终心理一样,是人类走向死亡时的精神活动。 

A near-death experience (NDE) is a personal experience associated with death or impending death. Such experiences may encompass a variety of sensations including detachment from the body, feelings of levitation, total serenity, security, warmth, the experience of absolute dissolution, and the presence of a light. (from Wikipedia)


The walking path through a tunnel, an intense feeling of unconditional love and acceptance, encountering “beings of light”, “beings dressed in white”, immersion in a power light, flash back of life view, “deja vu”, a sense of peace, well-being and painlessness, positive emotions, a sense of “oneness” and experience of higher dimension, Cosmic consciousness or Supreme Identity….NDE becomes a common phenomenon all over the world. People who experienced NDE generally became more sensitive about life and our existence and no longer fearful to the death.


It seems like we could not generalize this phenomenon as the BUG which our brain working process been interfered or simply explain it as an illusion in biology system. The front edge discovery of quantum physics has thrown the difficult topic “consciousness” into science and leads humankind to face the issue of re-definition of “death”— the cardiac death or the brain death? Does a man still keep consciousness after the announce of death from doctors? What’s the definition of “human”? And “Soul”—is it a poetic description of spirituality or a real substance which could be scientific proved?


DMT, so called “spirit molecules” , which is inside our brain pineal body, will be released during NDE and lead us go on a journey of consciousness transformation. In the ancient time, Shamans simulated this kind of experience to release DMT by multiple sensory languages as music,dance and visuals through a ceremony. It Leads people to expand their cognition and enlightenment, explore the infinite possibilities of life. Shaman is the first doctor and first artist: the doctor heal our physical body and arts heal our soul.


Ancient ancestors recorded stories by cave painting, solidified beloved faces by sculptures, located faith by architecture, beckoned spirits by dance, made revenge to unpredictable noises by music….arts always soothes people ,drives fears away, in order to resist the erosion from the impermanence. 

Our homo sapiens were facing the threaten by great nature all the time, from the very beginning, arts was born to be a language to talk to “death”--how does humankind deal with the symbiotic circle with death. In the geo-culture point of view, different original arts styles came from the diversity of understanding for death in each civilization.


“Where am I from”, “where am I heading to”—that’s the ultimate questions in all philosophies; “death” and “immortality”, “love”and “fear”…these are the eternal themes of arts. Humankind never stop thinking of death and the exploration of the world after death. It’s related to the issue that how do we understand our lives.


Nowadays, Shaman returns back to us as artists. By a variety of sensory languages , they try to open our perspective and expand to dimension of the world. A performance and an exhibition is like a ritual, offers us different experience from daily life, makes us slip the surly bonds of our brain and re-connect with our feeling——We always think too much and feel too little. 

Arts connect us with oneself, with others and with the universe.


We hear the voice of gravitational wave among stars. That’s the ripples of cosmos. It inspires us to re-map our position in the universe. 

As Oscar Wilde said “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”

MAO Livehouse




这就是MAO Livehouse!

电话:021-6445 0086(11:00-19:00)


演出预告Upcoming Gigs


10/26 周四THU Frandé法蘭黛樂團《為什麼像個愛情故事,明明我看的是偵探小說。》專輯巡迴 上海站

10/27 周五FRI 【秀动呈献】《阿莉埃蒂之歌》原唱 凯尔特竖琴精灵—Cécile Corbel 2017中国巡演 上海站

10/28-10/31 免费FREE |【MAO Livehouse 万圣节特别呈现】Near-Death Experience Gallery NDE艺术馆

10/28 周六SAT 2017万圣节魔女惊魂主题惊悚派对 上海站

10/29 周日SUN 2017万圣节魔女惊魂主题惊悚派对 上海站

10/30 周一MON 乱糟糟份子召集令| 1022寻找乱糟糟的你一起Party

10/31 周二TUE 2017万圣节魔女惊魂主题惊悚派对 上海站

演出预告Upcoming Gigs


11/03 周五FRI 嚣 Underground 启动派对 HIU UNDERGROUND LAUNCH PARTY

11/05 周日SUN 扭曲机器“迷失北京”2017中国巡演 上海站

11/10 周五FRI The 尺口MP x Siamese Cats联合巡演 上海站

11/11 周六SAT VAVA《21》Tour 2017中国巡回演唱会 上海站

11/12 周日SUN 麒麟一番榨特别企划 《孤独的美食家》原著 久住昌之+THE SCREEN TONES 绝对不孤独的美食之旅in上海

11/14 周二TUE 2017 Paul Reed Smith Band中国巡演

11/16 周四THU 【秀动呈献】2017刘昊霖2.0冬季巡演 上海站

11/17 周五FRI 【MAO LIVE呈现】泰国后摇乐队Inspirative2017中国巡演 上海站

11/18 周六SAT animesia Shanghai 专场演出

11/23 周四THU 感恩有你:键盘侠 Thanks Keyboard Man

11/25 周六SAT 【Bad News呈现】超高人气日系爵士嘻哈 西原健一郎 2017新专辑 中国巡演 上海站

11/26 周日SUN 【秀动呈献】极地天籁 Sofia Jannok 2017中国巡演 上海站

11/30 周四THU 【秀动呈献】TAMAS WELLS THE PLANTATION 2017新专巡演 上海站






