

好体 欧美男星 2024-06-23 13:55:17 471

Build that Sebastian Stan body by rocking a lean, muscular physique with a simple daily workout. I put the Hollywood Movie Star Program together after dropping 50 lbs of body fat whilst carving out a muscular athletic physique!

通过简单的日常锻炼,打造出精瘦、肌肉发达的体格,打造出塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦式的身材。我 减掉了50 磅的脂肪,同时塑造了肌肉发达的运动员体格,然后制定了好莱坞电影明星计划!

Sebastian Stan rocks a strong, muscular, lean and functional physique for his role as ‘The Winter Soilder‘ in ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier‘ and ‘The Falcon and The Winter Soilder’.

塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦在《美国队长:冬日战士》和《猎鹰与冬兵》中扮演“冬兵” ,拥有强健、肌肉发达、精瘦且功能健全的体格。

Sebastian Stan Diet

So you’re getting in your protein (1 gram per pound of bodyweight) and you’re eating plenty of vegetables (broccoli, leafy greens) next we need to focus on energy sources – carbohydrates and dietary fats.
因此,您摄入了蛋白质(每磅体重 1 克)并吃了大量的蔬菜(西兰花、绿叶蔬菜),接下来我们需要关注能量来源——碳水化合物和膳食脂肪。
You might be like Sebastian Stan and favour a higher fat diet. Not only will fats fuel your workout but they are essential for hormonal health, and support cell growth but they reduce inflammation helping you recover and build muscle.
The theory is that by training your body to use dietary fat as fuel/energy it’s likely that it can better utilise body fat once a calorie deficit.
Sebastian Stan’s trainer Don Saladino spoke about how he upped Sebastian’s dietary fat intake:
塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦 (Sebastian Stan) 的教练唐·萨拉迪诺 (Don Saladino)讲述了他如何增加塞巴斯蒂安的膳食脂肪摄入量:
“Stan’s body responded well by eating avocado, coconut or MCT oil and almond butter. We didn’t really stray from that, because when you find something that works, you want to stick with it”.
“斯坦的身体对吃鳄梨、椰子或 MCT 油和杏仁酱反应良好。我们并没有真正偏离这一点,因为当你发现某种方法有效时,你会想坚持下去”。
Sebastian Stan favours the following foods to fuel workouts, build muscle and drop body fat:



Coconut Oil椰子油

Almond Butter杏仁奶油

Rice Cakes年糕



Brussels Sprouts抱子甘蓝

Aioli (Mediterranean sauce made of garlic and olive oil)





Actor Sebastian Stan, much like many other actors has been known to stick to the classic bodybuilding diet formula when getting ripped for movies, such as playing ‘The Winter Solider‘. That classic bodybuilding diet includes chicken, broccoli and brown rice or a variation of it.
演员 塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦 (Sebastian Stan)和许多其他演员一样,在出演电影(例如出演《冬日战士》)时,也坚持使用 经典的健身饮食 配方。经典的健身饮食 包括 鸡肉、西兰花 和 糙米 或其变体。

Let’s take a look at the Sebastian Stan ‘The Winter Solider‘ diet to see what foods Sebastian Stan ate to have a great hollywood actor body transformation. When Sebastian Stan trains using functional and bodybuilding techniques, it’s the tearing down of muscle tissues and thus the correct nutrition needs to be applied in order to repair the muscles, putting on muscle size and muscle strength. 
让我们来看看塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦(Sebastian Stan)《冬日战士》 的饮食,看看塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦吃了什么食物,让这位好莱坞演员的身材发生了巨大的变化。当塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦使用功能性和健美技术进行训练时,肌肉组织会被撕裂,因此需要应用正确的营养来修复肌肉,增加肌肉大小和肌肉力量。
Sebastian Stan Diet Meals 减肥餐
Chicken and broccoli (classic) 鸡肉和西兰花(经典)
Fish and broccoli 鱼和西兰花
Salmon with greens 三文鱼配蔬菜
Tuna salad 金枪鱼沙拉
Turkey with courgettes/zucchini 火鸡配西葫芦
These Sebastian Stan diet foods are all high protein, low carb. Sebastian Stan‘s carb sources are all from fibrous vegetables but for extra fuel Sebastian Stan utilises higher fat food sources, include the following to add extra energy like Sebastian Stan does.
这些Sebastian Stan减肥食品都是高蛋白、低碳水化合物。Sebastian Stan的碳水化合物来源都是纤维蔬菜,但为了补充能量,Sebastian Stan利用高脂肪食物来源,包括以下食物来补充能量,就像Sebastian Stan所做的那样。

  • 热身(动态拉伸)(2 分钟)

  • 阻力带热身(2 分钟)

  • 宽距俯卧撑 (5 x 10) (B)

  • 近距离俯卧撑 (5 x 10) (B)

  • 阻力带拉伸训练 (4 x 25) (A)

  • 阻力带弯举 (4 x 25) (A)

  • 椅子三头肌屈伸 (4 x 25) (B)

  • 阻力带肩部推举 (4 x 10-15) (B)

  • 阻力带飞鸟 (4 x 25) (B)

  • 阻力带划船(5 x 20)(A)

  • 双杠臂屈伸(5×10)(B)

  • 自重深蹲(10 x 10)

  • 伸展运动(20 分钟)







